Apple nerds, I need your help. I’m a PC man, because that’s what people use who actually do shit for a living.
However, my better half isn’t as practical as I am. Should I buy her an IPad 2 for Christmas or buy something else and wait for the Ipad 3 to come out (in the Spring, maybe??)
[QUOTE=Ice Hole;2645637]You waited a bit too long to start shopping, didn’t you.
The ipad2 a is nice, overrated piece of Apple gear. All Apple gear is overrated.
The Kindle Fire would be a good option if she likes to shop Amazon online and read e-books.
By the way fuck you Mac and PC types, I’m a UNIX guy. I have a XOOM running a cloned OS.[/QUOTE]
Nah, there’s plenty of time left for shopping.
I don’t disagree on Apple but sometimes it’s just about the wow factor. She already has a Nook for reading and I like shopping online more than she does.
I’m not nearly smart enough to use UNIX. Hell, I don’t even really know what the fuck UNIX is.
[QUOTE=Alex;2645635]give her a fuck up the ass and tell her to be grateful[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Scut Farkus;2645641]I did and she was. Now I’m working to secure an invite for one of her friends. Hence the need for generosity.[/QUOTE]
You two need a Spike TV sitcom where you guys are roommates.
[QUOTE=Ignorami;2645665]Having no flash is less of a porn obstacle than it used to be too, so if your fanny-plan goes sour there is still a wank in it for you.
And while the screen may be excessively reflective, it sure does wipe clean easily.[/QUOTE]