Loot for Me Lady, Argghhh!

Apple nerds, I need your help. I’m a PC man, because that’s what people use who actually do shit for a living.

However, my better half isn’t as practical as I am. Should I buy her an IPad 2 for Christmas or buy something else and wait for the Ipad 3 to come out (in the Spring, maybe??)

What shall it be?

What would a Boss do?

[QUOTE=Permalost;2645625]What would a Boss do?[/QUOTE]

Buy both, but fuck that.

give her a fuck up the ass and tell her to be grateful

You waited a bit too long to start shopping, didn’t you.

The ipad2 a is nice, overrated piece of Apple gear. All Apple gear is overrated.

The Kindle Fire would be a good option if she likes to shop Amazon online and read e-books.

By the way fuck you Mac and PC types, I’m a UNIX guy. I have a XOOM running a cloned OS.

[QUOTE=Alex;2645635]give her a fuck up the ass and tell her to be grateful[/QUOTE]

I did and she was. Now I’m working to secure an invite for one of her friends. Hence the need for generosity.

[QUOTE=Ice Hole;2645637]You waited a bit too long to start shopping, didn’t you.

The ipad2 a is nice, overrated piece of Apple gear. All Apple gear is overrated.

The Kindle Fire would be a good option if she likes to shop Amazon online and read e-books.

By the way fuck you Mac and PC types, I’m a UNIX guy. I have a XOOM running a cloned OS.[/QUOTE]

Nah, there’s plenty of time left for shopping.

I don’t disagree on Apple but sometimes it’s just about the wow factor. She already has a Nook for reading and I like shopping online more than she does.

I’m not nearly smart enough to use UNIX. Hell, I don’t even really know what the fuck UNIX is.

I received an iPad1 as a gift last Christmas.

Normally I’m an Apple sucka, but couldn’t see the point of an iPad and wouldn’t have bought one.

Over the year though, it’s become the most used piece of tech in the house apart from the TV.

I’d go so far as to say I use it even more than my Black Mamba 3000.

[QUOTE=Scut Farkus;2645643]Hell, I don’t even really know what the fuck UNIX is.[/QUOTE]

Since Mac osX, no one has needed to know what the fuck UNIX is to enjoy the benefits of it.

[QUOTE=Ignorami;2645650]Since Mac osX, no one has needed to know what the fuck UNIX is to enjoy the benefits of it.[/QUOTE]

No one except the people running the internet.


Focus, bitches. Ipad 2 or wait for Ipad 3?

People still run the internet?

What the fuck are Skynet playing at?

iPad 2. Ipad 3 is just going to be more powerful. The only useful bit missing from the iPad was the cameras.

If you keep waiting for more power, you can wait 1000 generations.

[QUOTE=Ignorami;2645658]iPad 2. Ipad 3 is just going to be more powerful. The only useful bit missing from the iPad was the cameras.

If you keep waiting for more power, you can wait 1000 generations.[/QUOTE]

Good point. Plus it may help me secure sexy time with two hooers.

[QUOTE=Alex;2645635]give her a fuck up the ass and tell her to be grateful[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=Scut Farkus;2645641]I did and she was. Now I’m working to secure an invite for one of her friends. Hence the need for generosity.[/QUOTE]
You two need a Spike TV sitcom where you guys are roommates.

Having no flash is less of a porn obstacle than it used to be too, so if your fanny-plan goes sour there is still a wank in it for you.

And while the screen may be excessively reflective, it sure does wipe clean easily.

[QUOTE=Ignorami;2645665]Having no flash is less of a porn obstacle than it used to be too, so if your fanny-plan goes sour there is still a wank in it for you.

And while the screen may be excessively reflective, it sure does wipe clean easily.[/QUOTE]

I’m against porn obstacles.

[QUOTE=Scut Farkus;2645668]I rub up against porn obstacles.[/QUOTE]


Let’s call things like they are:

Ipad 1 = Crap, pilot Ipad

Ipad 2 = Ipad 1 with lots of fixes and crap customers whined about wanting.

Ipad 3 = Ipad 2 with more fixes, exponentially double the crap.

So it follows:

Ipad(n) = Ipad(n - 1) + fixes * crap^(n-1).

The graph will look something like this:

Y = lack of performance
X = ipod # version

The lesson there: Get an Ipad2 now before Apple screws this product up.