looking for muay tai

I know this is the wrong thread to be posting on, but I am looking for a legit muay tai club to get into for my sparring. I am in upand, delaware county, Pa. I figured if you guys can figure out what is bs, then you can help. I just really would like complete full cantact sparring.

Ask 4 Muay Thai.

ok muay thai

You are going to have research the Instructors, see have they have a fight record that is legit etc. Check if any schools compete at tournaments, how they do, etc. etc. Then again I am lucky and Duke Roufus has a school near me when I want to train Muay Thai!

why would you post this in the serious investigation forum and not newbietown?

you have issues with reading comprehension don’t you?


I posted in this forum b/c I figured if you guys looked into whether or not a club is legit maybe someone would know where one is around my location. The nearest I found was Philly, and I don’t want that drive. Hopefully you can comprehend my reason for posting here. Thanks alot for your help.