I hope this is the right forum, sorry if it isn’t. This would better in a PM but When I tried to message him, the site told me I didn’t have sufficent privledges to do so. I’m just looking for him because a forumite by the handle of Kick told me he might information I’d be interested since he’s doing a thing on world martial arts. I don’t know what I can offer him in return but I’d be happy to try. Again sorry if this isn’t the correct forum, if there is a more appropriate way please inform me and I make use of it from here on out
Well, if you take of all the bricks I stacked on top of the toilet seat , he might be able to climb out.
The guy seems like some kind of crazy person to me. And I think he got banned from here.
No, he’s allowed back now,
He just knows I’m waiting for him…:qright1:
He got slapped in the face by the banwang.
Okay, I just wanted to ask him if he knew anything about Medieval Italian Martial Arts at all or if he might have some internet sources for learning more about Historical Martial Arts of any kind. If he doesn’t frequent the forum much anymore do you know if there would be anyone else with expertise in these areas that wouldn’t mind answering some questions or tell me about informative sites that I could use.
He’s allowed back? It was a TEMP ban!? But why?
He’s kind of like the gimp in Pulp Fiction,
He’s not very useful, except to beat on and ridicule.
Have you checked out the Association for Renaissance Martial Arts? Their website is at www.thearma.org and I believe we may have some members on Bullshido.
the village whipping post? that’s a very important, useful job!
FFF, imagine how bored you would be without angry_sphincter and others like him.
He’s back on meds.
Actually yes I have, thats where I got my copy of the saber manual “Cold Steel”, good stuff their. I gotta say though from what I’ve heard about John Clements he doesn’t sound like the most likable guy. But then again I also heard he can really fence, so hey if you can whop some ass it probably doesn’t matter how nice you are.
Dude, If you did find Angry_Spastic, he’d only be useful depending which one turned up.
He’s as likely to wax lyrical about eating people as he is about whichever job he’s claiming to have this week. And how many miles he’s walked (it varies, and apparently is important to us), or who thinks he’s great. Or his brother who may or may not be awesome, a lawyer, a homosexual, a jazz pianist (I made that one up, but it is pretty appropriate, being as that is all Angry_Spastic seems to do).
Seriously, don’t waste your time with him. Maybe have a look around the Armory here, and see if anyone has posted anything about it.
Good luck.
Be careful, young one! By invoking his name you summon into the world something… something from the gates of HADES ITSELF!!!
That’s a broad area. If you’re looking for discussion related to European medieval swordsmanship, this section of Swordforum.com is among the best – though a lot of the threads may not make much sense if you aren’t already familiar with the subject matter. Also on the sword front, Netsword isn’t very active, but there’s a lot of older stuff in the archives. Somewhat more general is the western-arts mailing list.
If you have specific questions I might be able to help, but none of the stuff I play with is Italian.
May also want to try www.sca.org
Yes some of them are strange, but they also know their history and are brave enough to beat the shit out of each other with heavy rattan sticks.
They have some of the best historical fencers I have ever seen, and it is one of the few places you can learn and do a ton of sparring with rapier mainguach (sp?)
Nah … I bet Angry Spastic has something to offer . He will be around shortly I promise , he wouldn’t miss this thread for the world .
Hell I can be wrong .
I was honestly expecting two pages of rants by now .
I motion that Phrost change A_S’s name to Angry_Sphincter.
glad you agree.