look at karate its all bullshido

idk bout the other guys but i do small circle jujitsu and they are right its not the best for competative mma but for self defense at least at my dojo its a hell of alot better the groundwork is good and you shouldnt have to be on the ground to fight when you can get them in a lock or takedown etc i think its a great style im not saying its the best but id recomend trying it out everyone has a diferent preferance on martial arts and which style is best for them

just becuase that school sucked doesnt mean the style does… look at karate its all bullshido and is completely useless not becuase of the style but becuase of the schools there are some few good karate studios there just hard to find i do smjj and i sweat alot and get a great workout and learn alot from it what you guys went to was just simply a mcdojo dont let it turn you off from that style

Ha ahahaahaaaa

The only small circle you should be worried about is a period (.)

[QUOTE=andrewpmma;2641481]just becuase! That school sucked! Doesnt mean. The style does… look at karate! Its all bullshido and is completely useless, not! Becuase of the style but becuase of. The schools there are some few. Good karate. Studios there just hard. To find i do, smjj, and i! Sweat alot, and get a great workout, and learn alot from it! What you guys went to was just simply a mcdojo dont! Let it turn you off from that style.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, good point.

[QUOTE=RWaggs;2641504]The only small circle you should be worried about is a period (.)[/QUOTE]

Or the absence of one lol.

[QUOTE=It is Fake;2641491]Ha ahahaahaaaa

y u link back to this thread?

You know what’s bullshido? Drinking a can of Dr Pepper then realizing that thing that just came out of the can into your mouth while you took a swig was a fucking fly. Goodbye lunch.

[QUOTE=doofaloofa;2641637] its all protein ;][/QUOTE]

Not a phrase that can be reconciled with the fag end in a can of Stella. :frowning:

Nobody likes coming across a fag’s butt.

Well, I say nobody…

[QUOTE=thrutch;2641645]Nobody likes coming across a fag’s butt.

Well, I say nobody…[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Volya;2641602]You know what’s bullshido? Drinking a can of Dr Pepper then realizing that thing that just came out of the can into your mouth while you took a swig was a fucking fly. Goodbye lunch.[/QUOTE]

Or Hello, depending on your point of view.