Lohan - big a$$ t|tt|3s

The pics are safe for work, but the lyrics to the song might offend some (like most rap songs).

Click here and LYAO!!!


yuo = fag0t

you = fucktard that can only use that one insult repetitively

And yet it works on so many levels.

 	argh.....  	11-15-2004 04:02 PM  	CaptShady  	Cause you're you
 	ATTN APOSTOL  	11-22-2004 03:13 PM  	CaptShady  	You = little bitch
 	PeeDeeShaolin, The Muslim  	12-01-2004 12:40 PM  	CaptShady  	You're such a little bitch

perhaps u shuld higher a teem of writars frum a popyular sitcom such as The Drew Carey Show :5dunce:

i menshun drew carey show b/c u si fattar tahn mimi and all her make up wuld not make u prettay :glasses12

izzat a real release?
kida cool rap, if you like that sorta thing.


Say GraveDigger, what happened to your avatar? It was soooo hawt!

I bet Shady’s breasts are bigger than Lindsay’s.

I’ll bet Shady dosen’t know the shaolin lohan forms.

Someone just sent that to me last night…