Location, Location, Location

Hey guys, I live in texas and I was thinking of moving to either California or Florida to train MMA.

I’m 19 and I began REAL martial arts not too long ago. I realize how tough highschool wrestling was and that college wrestling will be even tougher, way more.

I’m gathering as much information as possible to become the best fighter I can be.

I was wondering if any of you guys could give me any tips on how the hell am I going to enter into College wrestling.

What I am looking at in the MMA world is: Go to San Jose,Cali. and attend San Jose State to do their intermural wrestling club. Maybe train under Frank Shamrock or Cung Le and challenge Asia in San Shou.

Join a branch of the military, get pwnd, and do wrestling.

Go to Coconut Creek Florida to train under Marcelo Garcia and maybe go to a college that does wrestling.

Any advice?

Go to college. Take wrestling, or don’t.

But go to college.

Go to college.

Then quit trying to hide an emo thread in Guantanamo Bay.

Get an education.

Pick your school based on the educational qualities and what you can afford, not wrestling or MA, as you didn’t get a wrestling scholarship.

Seconded. You will be able to find something worthwhile at most schools (as a club or nearby), whether it be wrestling, judo or whatever.

Yeah…I guess basics go a long way.

Education first. got it. Picking where to go to based on MA skills is fucked-up.

Unless, specifically (Keyword) your career path is to be an MMA fighter.

Also, don’t go to college just because …have a reason. You’ll fail.

There’s more to that story, I quit the 4th week of practice beacause of stupid reasons. I started Senior year. And there’s still more to that story that I don’t want to make it emo, but I didn’t try to get a wrestling scholarship and I wouldn’t have gotten one anyway.

I was thinking that if you become a good muay thai guy and a decent jits guy, you’re going to be taken down by a wrestler. if your takedown defense is good, you’re going to be taken down by a judoka.

If you’re a decent MT guy and an exellent jits guy and your guard is good, you’re going to be directly transitioned into side control by a judoka.

I was just trying to add Judo and Wrestling into my repertoire, and be damn good at it.

College is tough already as it is. I can certainly see me failing.

I think I have a good reason to succeed in college, I just need to focus and work hard. put better priorities on my fallback career.


IF you find a school you like, can afford and wish to attend and think you can walk-on to the wrestling team, then two birds, one stone.

Once you find a school you like and a Major/Minor or Double-Major you wish to pursue, then look at the different University clubs or MA schools in the area to suppliment your education.

Unless, like IIF said, you intent is to become a Pro-Fighter. Then reverse the order with your gym taking the college role and college taking the MA role from the above model.

Go to college. Get an education. If you can get on the wrestling team, fine. Afterwards if you want to go somewhere there is good MMA, fine, but don’t go train with frank Shamrock or Cung Le. There is a thread on the best MMA teams in the country. Find it.

So I guess that means I have to go get a brown/black belt under marcelo garcia and then train at xtreme couture at 25-27.

unless I have to quit BJJ for wrestling for some time.

Why not go to a respected MMA school that has produced competitors?

Beacause Wrestling conditioning has what it takes. A 2 hour BJJ+muay thai class just isn’t the same.

No it really isn’t if you have the right mindset. ^^The above makes you destined to fail.

I think I have a good reason to succeed in college, I just need to focus and work hard. put better priorities on my fallback career.

Talk to a counselor and have them help you on a career path. Also find something you like unfortunately, stupidity and trolling don’t have a degree yet. So, you have to go with a third or fourth choice.

OK, tharuz here is the dark secret of Bullshido nobody wants to tell you.

I may get my Bullshido Country Club membership card revoked for this:

In order to train at a good place you need MONEY.

In order to get MONEY you usually need a good job.

Now, most good jobs require a certain level of skill, intelligence, dedication and/or responsibility.

Many employers look at a college degree as proof the candidate possesses at least one of these aforementioned attributes.

Now, the flip side:

most people on here train what is availible to them.

Some posters are fortunate to get a job near a quality training location or gym, but most of them, UNLESS THEY WANT TO BE THE FOKKING FYTR, don’t pick a job or career based on their martial arts training.

Yes, there are exceptions.

To surmise:

if you want to be a fighter, go to the best gym you can afford and train there, as often as you can and get some sort of job that allows you some cash and flexibility for training.

if you don’t want to be a fighter, get a career that will allow you the opportunity to train at the best place you can, when you aren’t working.

But a wrestling class isn’t going to teach you MT or BJJ.


But you know, I have to do something about conditioning. And the Wrestling aspect.

Why? Do you have a fight coming up? Wrestling is just part of the game. You have to learn BJJ and MT too. If you find a good MMA school you’l learn all three.