At the martial arts school Richard trains for speed, balance, power and mind and at the age of 8 has the fastest and the strongest kicks and punches in the world measuring in at 110 punches in 15 seconds and 30 kicks in 15 seconds.
Read about this kid almost a year ago in a magazine.
His father run into problems with the law over domestic violence and the selling of steriods. Believe that he did some time for it too. So we almost can be sure that he pumped his child full with that junk and let him train very hard.
Why are their always parents that want to live their dreams thru their kids. It’s never in the best intrest of the child.
sad, really sad.
What are the medical dangers associated with that condition? All I could find was links that said people who had it were freakishly strong at birth and onward. It also lessens the impact of the impressiveness, if all it is, is a genetic condition anyway. All the hype seems kinda flat if he would look like that anyway.
There was an entire show about this case on Discovery or TLC or similar last year. His father apparently was giving him some “secret” protein drink shit blah, blah and the mom was not really allowed to feed the kid like you would normally feed a kid. Yes, the father went to jail and it was disclosed that the kid’s former manager was pretty convinced that the father was giving the kid steroids or similar and that his training program was borderline child abuse. Since daddy dearest went to jail and is out of the home etc., the kid isn’t (apparently, according to this story) as cut or strong etc.
IMO there is no fucking way a kid is going to be that buff at age 8 without juice. I don’t care if his mom is some aerobicize champ & his dad is a Bruce Lee wannabe.
This is a very frightening case. One could argue that this is an extreme example of exploitation. The poor kid has been a work hourse pretty much since birth. This cannot last.
I think that when his growth centers close prematurely during puberty, and he has to spend his life with permanent pituitary and endocrine problems, as well as being the only 13-year-old with chronic arthritis and tendonitis, he is going to punch his dad 110 times in 15 seconds.
The only reason he can look the way he does is because childen regenerate tissue at a freakish rate. As someone else already said, it cannot last. He is burning up resources way to fast and way too young. I don’t care how good his nutrition is.
Umm. Wow. Well… His chances at getting over 5’ are now shot. The kid also has to be taking in some sort of steroid. An eight year old’s body just doesn’t produce enough T to have that sort of muscular growth