Liquor, Loot, and...Laddies?!?

Lily and the relatively new female presence on Bullshido said they were feeling left out, especially after their male discussions got Trollshidoed.

This thread is my suggested compromise for them.:5grouphug

You’re welcome.

in heaven Errant, you are the bomb and an Honorary girl from now on.

I will support the monk’s effort at intergender reconciliation with this one post, then I will be gone from this thread forevermore.

I’m going to add this hunk:

Edit: Are there even any femlae poster besides Lily?

RAz: iz nawt hunk.

I can haz shew u r34l hunk:[yt]tU7xm5IETUA

You gotta admire a guy who sings his own theme song, but I like your first pic, because I look almost exactly like RKO minus the roids and gay tattoos.

I’ll see you Shawn Micheals and raise you a Rob van Damn:

Of course there are other female posters and male appreciators. As everyone can see, this is NOT some crazy ‘wimminz space’, you all can post hot guys right here.

How to wear a mullet:

Hate to disagree with you Lily, but there is only one Big Ben, one Eiffel Tower, and one King of Rocking the Mullet:

Vince, I may just have to fight Syberia for you.

Mel Gibson back in the day:

I thought this thread was dedicated to rasslin’ hunks:

Ricky Steamboat agrees that this thread is about wrassling hunks.

Since that’s what turns you on, fine with me.

Johnny Nitro says: “Don’t hate, appreciate…my washboard abs.”

Thanks boys for keeping the flame alive.

I’m not really into blonds but can still appreciate this:

This one is for sochin:

There’s blood, sweat and bandages…be patient I’m going through all the sports for a start:

He’s gay, but who cares? Now excuse me, I have to go cook dinner, I’ll be back :happy8:

In that case… ought to be right up your alley.