Lindsay Lohan poses nude for realz...

She has a lot of freckles. And the blonde wig makes her look like a cheap hooker.

Fucking perfect boobs though.

yeah, great boobs. I actually appreciate the freckles because I thought they would have covered them up or photoshopped them out. I appreciate the fact that she wasn’t self conscious about them.

And jet an other proof that photographs can work both ways, make you look better or, in this obvious case, worse. I would have sued the photographer after inserting his MF cam in his rare.

just post in deutsch, we’ll understand it better


as my old teacher used to say…“AUF DEUTSCH!”

I’d hit it , but she’s still a butter face.

the only thing those pics did is make me think of:

I think this is the first time that I honestly don’t know wtf you’re talking about…

her overly freckled black and white photos look like chocolate chip ice cream

You guys are the biggest bunch of queers in the history of the universe.

I’m saving myself for you, SHJ

yumyumyumyum. i approve of this thread. only thing i want to comment on is the ugly platinum blond hair. long live redheads.

go look at my posts in the hottest girl thread

at least cut her a break on the hair color. They’re recreating a Marilyn Monroe photoshoot. The blonde hair is kind of necessary. I thought she’d gone back to being a redhead lately?

All of you would fuck her, you full of shit haters.

I’m not full of shit haters

She was soooooo fine as busty redheaded jailbait. She turns my stomach as a coked-out blonde.

not a hater, call me a prude… but i just couldn’t. Nice rack though…


The blond hair doesn’t turn my stomach, but it certainly isn’t her best look.

You gotta admit, Lindsay’s lookin’ kinda… “leathery” these days.

Fair, Freckled Skin + Tanning Salons = Not Good