Let's try a flea dip in Trollshido because your "Ninjacide" post is useless.

Since we’re resurrecting a dead thread I would like to explain why there is so much Ninja Bullshido.

It’s really quite simple, it’s because Orkin has yet to develop an all purpose Ninja poison spray, a Ninjacide if you will. For example a couple of our posters, (Hedgehogy, and Antifa)recently sprayed an area for “Dirt Ninjas”. But just a short time later they discovered that the sprayed area had a group of “Ditch Ninjas” congregating in it. Obviously the “Dirt Ninjacide” had worked, but it had only worked on ridding the area of “Dirt Ninjas”. The spray, having no effect on “Ditch Ninjas”, did nothing to keep other Ninja groups from infesting the same area.

I propose that anyone seeking to spray for Ninja infestations of any kind use napalm until Orkin can produce a suitable substitute.

Culled from: