Let's read the last few posts and add nothing new to the thread.

Pressure points can kill. dim mak from what I have read and been taught (which may or may not be correct in your opinion) is the use of the pressure points in succession to cause enough damage to kill. such as damaging chi flow to multiple vital organs. for those of you who don’t believe in chi consider it nerve striking to shut down the body

The tao,
Thanks for that. I needed a little comedy to brighten my day. I almost spit out my iced tea.

The science of Chi-ma " The way of the deadily strike"

Well people always say dim-mak this and dim-mak that dim-mak is the japanese variation of is chi-mai or way of deadily striking force" Originally there are 700 accupressure points on the body which is ( as you guys guessed is used for accupuncture) 108 of these points do server martial purposes but here’s the deal with it.

You have to know the exact/date/time/month of when these specific areas are at there zenith and even then it takes more then just 6 ounces of pressure you really have get a good grip and exert some force in order for it to be effective. Most of the Chi-mai is utilized for healing as oppossed for harming or injury but can used if necessary. The science of it relates to the bagua system ( eight triagrams ) which map out the meridians of this system and it’s pretty complex stuff.

It also follows the course of nature and how specific organs function at that time of day and even the how of the day so it’s pretty methodical of how this science works and can be put into use.

But unless you have a firm understanding of chinese medicine and theory you’re probably not going to have a good idea of when and where to strike and how and how much force is necessary to actually cause truama to that specific organ on that meridian channel is guiding too.

This a fallacy.

dim mak from what I have read and been taught (which may or may not be correct in your opinion) is the use of the pressure points in succession to cause enough damage to kill. such as damaging chi flow to multiple vital organs. for those of you who don’t believe in chi consider it nerve striking to shut down the body

No just no. Look believe what you want but don’t mix the two.

Wow did you say month? Now, that is a new one for me. It has become month specific now.

Good lord I don’t know whether to laugh or through this in trollshido as a troll post.

Dim Mak and Chi-Mai have seperate histories. One did not necessarily begat the other.

Fact is fact :slight_smile:

:new_cussi First of all dim-mak is based on chinese concept of the wuxing( or five elemental cycle which is where most of the organs and relationship to the meridians are connected to)( which a lot people forget the japanese borrowed most of their culture from china ) and the concept of internal medicine or Dan Xue ban has been known and documented in china since 2500 BC. The japanese took the chinese art and developed into their own culture just as they did with Gongfu blended it with their ideals and principals and bang karate was born same concept with chi-mai and Dim-mak. Japanese are great at imitators and innovators. But as far as the basis for all internal medicine steming from the orient is relative unless you get into arajavedic medicine which came from india and has the same principals I wouldn’t be suprized if it was the exchange between china and india that this knowledge grew and developed into a more comprehensive system of medicine. But the facts are facts japan took this method from china and made into their own style.

The thing is, Traditional Chinese Medicine nowadays is no longer as “Traditional” as it used to be. Most of this “cycles” thing have been dropped for good reasons by the TCM community.

No you have been spoon fed to much propaganda. Educated people know we all borrow/take influences from other cultures.

Bang nothing. Okinawa had its own indigenous fighting style. Chinese Martial Arts blended with said martial arts and Kara-Te was born.

Completely different implication from your “Japanese are great imitators and innovators” comment.

Who said chima or dim mak originated from the orient? No one.

I took exception to the typical Japanese took all their culture from China rhetoric.

why are you just reapting what I said ??? That sentence made absloutely no sense. Of course most indigenous cultures native to that area do blend and borrow from their sorrounding neighbor due to the frequent contact between okinawa and china did the okinawians develop their own fighting style taken from mainlaind china ( which was referred to as Guangzhou) middle kindgom which had many exchanges between india as well as tibet and thailand. But the one thing your missing here is that okinawian people where a settlement of farmers and fishermen they didn’t really have any concept of fighting arts until it was when they where visited by the ( Tang) army around 1344 A.D and took chinese martial arts and adapted them to their culture and environment mainly these styles Tongiebequan( cannon fist) Chin-na ( the art of seizing and grappling) as well as( Xuhohanquan small fist method) so as far as them having their own martial art is highly unlikely considering the above fact that farmer and fishermen are not warriors but more island natives that where peaceful that lived on the island. Do some more reasearch on it :slight_smile:

My point exactly.

Paragraphs; it won’t kill ya to try them.

I’m not repeating what you are saying.

Here is what you are saying:

But the one thing your missing here is that okinawian people where a settlement of farmers and fishermen they didn’t really have any concept of fighting arts

The japanese took the chinese art and developed into their own culture just as they did with Gongfu blended it with their ideals and principals and bang karate was born same concept with chi-mai and Dim-mak. Japanese are great at imitators and innovator

so as far as them having their own martial art is highly unlikely considering the above fact that farmer and fishermen are not warriors but more island natives that where peaceful that lived on the island.

Quit talking out of your ass. Do more research.

These statements show a cultural bias.

oy-vey dude I was talking about the origins of Dim-mak and Chi-mai and how it came from the original chinese art know as chi-mai and the japanese borrwed it and adapted to their method of marital arts training there is no cultural biased your just looking to argue with no point behind it. Stick to the original story line here. which was dim-mak versus chi-mai and where it originated from. The other thing too is that you just proved my reason why thanks for doing the job for me :slight_smile:

Japanese samurai where ones that took over okinawa a long time ago but before they even decided to venute that far the okinawians had contact with the chinese prior to the samurai venturing to okinawa why this occured no one really knows why it took they’re closer neighbors to pay a visit from the ryu-kyu islands but the fact remains the indigenous people from owkinawa where not warriors but just a fishing and farming community get over self.

Warrior doesn’t equal systematized form of fighting.

You are the one spouting unsubstantiated rumors for fact and derailing a thread with your half truths and misinformation.

Site sources for this alleged “Okinawans weren’t fighters because, they were fisherman not warriors” clap trap.

If fisherman are not warriors, then how do warriors eat fish?


Uhhhhh, while we’re debating sanity, scholastic achievements, and the plausibility of techniques, there are a few points I would like to address.

  1. “Death Touch” is a generic term
  2. Monthly or “seasonal” variations in the meridian tides are well known according to old school TCM, unless you guys want to debate the existance of monsoons, snow, and summer highs.
  3. “Point” hitting skills have three(3) varieties, all of which have different, but similar effects through different mediums in the body.
    a. dim mak, effects organ chi, via the meridians.
    b. dim ching, effects the central nervous system via local, or sympathetic plexa.
  4. dim hsueh, affects the circulatory and respitory systems, via OBVIOUS means. Strangulation, for example.
    Okay, continue.

All discussed we know this please read the thread.

Proof please.

Culled from here: