Te No Kage, there doesn’t seem to be anything between us and a McNinja BB.
You might as well buy one. Re the cash, what you said previously is noted. But if you set up a paypall account, I can credit it to reinburse you. Or any other suggestions…
Re audit trail,
As you do it, take screenshots including data entered (not credit card etc -I mean CV details etc). That’ll make it easier to prove. Especially the esxact nature of his ‘controls’.
Please send me a black belt certificate in “Vale Tudo”. My experience: 7th kyu Yoshukai Karate (World Yoshukai Karate Kobudo Organization); 1.5 years (untested) Atarashii Naginata (Scouthern California Naginata Federation); 5th kyu Aikido (Aikido Schools of Ueshiba); 7th kyu Judo (United States Judo Association)
I’ll be pleasantly surprised if he bites and goes along with this, but if he doesn’t, it would be funny to try again using my same name with different certs
Now we have the evidence to PROVE that Ashida Kim is a McNinja as well as a bullshitter.
And we can hopefully use this to get Bullshido into the MMA Universe mag. Probably in the second issue (out mid August… submission deadline will be Mayish).
Let’s think what to do now rather than posting it in the BBC straight away. But yes, your moment of glory should come!