Lets argue the booj in a World JJ thread.

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788270]I was devastated when I’d learned that the community centre was shut down to be demolished and the dojo had gone.[/QUOTE]

I’m sorry to hear that.

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788270]I since then began training in the Bujinkan organisation of Martial Arts headed by Soke Hatsumi Masaaki of Noda Japan.[/QUOTE]

I’m even sorrier to hear that.

Welcome to Bullshido.

[QUOTE=It is Fake;2724087]Yes, and there are many more that have questionable ranks, which is why he was skeptical. Not saying it is right, but the TOP is bloated with a ton of BSers IMO.[/QUOTE]

I do realize there are many self-made masters out there, but I am not one of them. I do have high black belt ranks in a number of arts and received them from legitimate and mostly well known sensei. This includes sandan in judo from the USJA. I have students out there teaching and promoting who are highly respected. I was promoted to grandmaster even though I was only a hachidan (8th) in karate, jujitsu and kobudo. I submit that my credentials are in fact genuine and as genuine as anyone’s on this forum.

Now I am quite aware that many organizations/styles evolve in different ways in various dojo. Some revert to sport, some to a basically “health club” mentality. It depends on both the instructor AND the needs of any specific clientele pool. I chose the martial path for my dojo; we didn’t do the tournaments because what I taught couldn’t be used in a tournament. Now I did have some students competing in boxing, judo, Mauy Thai and kickboxing matches; this was something where some of their training (generally speaking) could be used.

I can’t believe it has been this long since I logged in here. I’ll be sure to keep a better watch on this forum in the future.

[QUOTE=Flinter;2788409]I do realize there are many self-made masters out there, but I am not one of them. I do have high black belt ranks in a number of arts and received them from legitimate and mostly well known sensei. This includes sandan in judo from the USJA. I have students out there teaching and promoting who are highly respected. I was promoted to grandmaster even though I was only a hachidan (8th) in karate, jujitsu and kobudo. I submit that my credentials are in fact genuine and as genuine as anyone’s on this forum.[/quote] I explained why he was skeptical and you wait nearly a year to reply. You could scan your certificates and my post wouldn’t change. It is quite alright to be skeptical until proof is provided. Now, you can use tact, be nice and ask the question in a reasonable fashion, but it doesn’t make the question wrong.

Now I am quite aware that many organizations/styles evolve in different ways in various dojo. Some revert to sport, some to a basically “health club” mentality. It depends on both the instructor AND the needs of any specific clientele pool. I chose the martial path for my dojo; we didn’t do the tournaments because what I taught couldn’t be used in a tournament. Now I did have some students competing in boxing, judo, Mauy Thai and kickboxing matches; this was something where some of their training (generally speaking) could be used.
This comment is why people tend to be skeptical.

[QUOTE=Flinter;2788409]I was promoted to grandmaster even though I was only a hachidan (8th) in karate, jujitsu and kobudo. [/QUOTE]

“only a hachidan (8th Dan)”…why the false modesty?

[QUOTE=The Cap;2788280]I’m sorry to hear that.

I’m even sorrier to hear that.

Welcome to Bullshido.[/QUOTE]

Excuse me??

He is hazing you a wee bit

Lets just say Bujinkan does not have the most stellar reputation on these hallowed boards

And why exactly is that?

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788463]And why exactly is that?[/QUOTE]Do a search on google and read how badly it is ripped apart.

[QUOTE=It is Fake;2788465]Do a search on google and read how badly it is ripped apart.[/QUOTE]

Mate, I’ve seen all the haters comments on the web in regards to Bujinkan and also various other arts. I don’t buy into the whole “my kung fu is stronger than yours” thing. Fact is, Hatsumi himself has said before now that the Bujinkan is a good place for a bad martial artist to hide. And that is true. I’ve seen good practitioners, I’ve seen amazing practitioners and also I’ve seen terrible practitioners.
As I mentioned I’ve travelled to Japan and witnessed the masters such as Nagato Sensei, Shiraishi Sensei, Noguchi Sensei and all of their personal students (many of who are western). Duncan Stewart of Tazmania, Kacem Zoughari and Rob Renner. All amzing practitioners.
Thing is, all martial arts have something to offer. It is down to the individual how they interpret this and apply it to their own Budo journey. Thing is, the majority of what I see online of when people are having a pop at the Bujinkan lineage…they are very much uneducated blerbs that just get thrown out there to cause a fuss. I’m not bothered about what others have to say about my chosen Bujutsu. They’re not the ones practicing. Live and let live, eh?

[QUOTE=Hanniballistic;2788450]He is hazing you a wee bit

Lets just say Bujinkan does not have the most stellar reputation on these hallowed boards[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788463]And why exactly is that?[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=It is Fake;2788465]Do a search on google and read how badly it is ripped apart.[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788468]Mate, I’ve seen all the haters comments on the web in regards to Bujinkan and also various other arts. I don’t buy into the whole “my kung fu is stronger than yours” thing. Fact is, Hatsumi himself has said before now that the Bujinkan is a good place for a bad martial artist to hide. And that is true. I’ve seen good practitioners, I’ve seen amazing practitioners and also I’ve seen terrible practitioners.
As I mentioned I’ve travelled to Japan and witnessed the masters such as Nagato Sensei, Shiraishi Sensei, Noguchi Sensei and all of their personal students (many of who are western). Duncan Stewart of Tazmania, Kacem Zoughari and Rob Renner. All amzing practitioners.
Thing is, all martial arts have something to offer. It is down to the individual how they interpret this and apply it to their own Budo journey. Thing is, the majority of what I see online of when people are having a pop at the Bujinkan lineage…they are very much uneducated blerbs that just get thrown out there to cause a fuss. I’m not bothered about what others have to say about my chosen Bujutsu. They’re not the ones practicing. Live and let live, eh?[/QUOTE]
Why ask a question “mate” that you already know the answer to? You are bothered because you just wrote a tirade ending with “live and let live” on a discussion forum. Oh and of course everyone disagreeing with your assessment has given “uneducated blerbs.”

So, do you want the threads to people who can use the same appeal to authority with a different conclusion?

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788463]And why exactly is that?[/QUOTE]

You answered your own question so I suspect you knew already

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788435]Excuse me??[/QUOTE]

Why should he excuse you.

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788468]Mate, I’ve seen all the haters comments on the web in regards to Bujinkan and also various other arts. I don’t buy into the whole “my kung fu is stronger than yours” thing.

But that’s how it works, strong kung fu beats weak kung fu.

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788468]
Fact is, Hatsumi himself has said before now that the Bujinkan is a good place for a bad martial artist to hide.

I think my irony meridian just exploded.

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788468]
Thing is, the majority of what I see online of when people are having a pop at the Bujinkan lineage…

What lineage.

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788468]Thing is, all martial arts have something to offer.[/QUOTE]

So do all hotels. Some things on “offer” can’t yet be cured.

[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2788483]Why should he excuse you.[/QUOTE]

Out of good clean Canadian pity.

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788435]Excuse me??[/QUOTE]

To paraphrase my dearly missed grandmother: I excused you as soon as you mentioned you were a ninjer.

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788463]And why exactly is that?[/QUOTE]

The biggest one is probably an immense lack of aliveness in training.

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788468]I don’t buy into the whole “my kung fu is stronger than yours” thing.[/QUOTE]

And some people don’t buy evolution. That doesn’t change the reality of it, some methods of training are better and dinosaurs turned into birds. Denying the evidence only makes it go away in your head.

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788468]Thing is, all martial arts have something to offer.[/QUOTE]

That’s assuming they really are “martial arts”. If all they offer is a philosophy, exercise curriculum and feeling of togetherness, then they should probably just be referred to as some form of yoga. There is nothing wrong with yoga.

Here, this is for you:

And hey, my very own trollshido thread! About time.

[QUOTE=Kumo Bujinkan;2788468]Hatsumi himself has said before now that the Bujinkan is a good place for a bad martial artist to hide.[/QUOTE]He speaks from personal experience.
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2788483]I think my irony meridian just exploded.[/QUOTE]
Yes, it is ironic Hatsumi is an iconic poser and there are chumps out there, glass in hand, ready to drink the Kool-Aid.

Masaaki Hatsumi and Stephen K Hayes are true masters; masters of propaganda that is. They have convinced a select few pajama-wearing, star-throwing, sword-slashing, misguided suckers that there really are ninjers in the world.

I knew this one would end up in Trollshido and refused to shit-post in the original thread. Repeat after me; Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy and Ninjas are not real. Master Ken agrees:
