A lesbian martial arts expert has staged a jailbreak to free her under age female lover from protective custody where she was being “cured” of her attraction to women, according to reports.
Published: 11:59AM BST 28 Sep 2010
[IMG]http://i.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01726/lesbian_1726493c.jpg[/IMG] Photo: ALAMY
Police are investigating the escape of the 15-year-old girl, who allegedly admitted to having a sexual relationship with her 26-year-old taekwondo teacher in east Jakarta.
The girl, Tn, who comes from a community that only uses one name, left home to live with her teacher, Sj, for a month.
The girl's father called in the National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas Anak) to "cure" his daughter's sexual orientation and agreed to place her in protective custody.
Sj found out where Tn was being detained and was able to break her out on September 17, the first day of the Idul Fitri religious celebrations.
“The security officers were negligent because they did not know that somebody was taking a child away,” Komnas Anak chairman Arist Merdeka Sirait explained.
Mr Arist said that Tn had admitted to a sexual relationship with Sj. Police are investigating, but it is not clear whether Sj can be charged with any offence.
I’m guessing she didn’t break into the facility with a tornado kick, so I think this is another case of ‘someone does something whilst being a martial artist’.
I was curious as you never know with other countries what the age of consent is so here it is from wiki
In Indonesia the age of consent for heterosexual sexual activity is 19 years for males and 16 years for females.[17] The age of consent for homosexuals is 18.
Too be honest I was a little surprised that they have an age of consent for homosexuals. With Indonesia having the largest population of Muslims in the world I would have though it would have been illegal. I guess their republic is more secular than I would have initially suspected.
Well since the girl was taken into custody to be “cured” of her homosexuality, I dont think they are out of the backwaters just yet.
I am more surprised that they were not killed out of hand, and I am suspicious about the reasoning as to why the lady was able to overpower the guards. It is the end of Ramadan, maybe they were weak from fasting.
Great thread title and good luck to them not being re-caught. A facility that cures someone of their sexual orientation…sounds like some fucked up sit probably goes on in there.
Well, a 26 year old TKD teacher preying on 15 years is pretty fucked up, too.
If we were going to make a more politically correct Bullshido Productions movie out of this, we’d change their ages to be closer to each other and they’d both be hot young adults, change their martial art of preference from TKD to MT, and change the location to Georgia. I think that would be a movie worth making. We could cast JFS as the evil villain and Sirc could be his misguided but loveable henchman.
I suppose, but they probably get married young there and she did bust her out of jail, so I think it evens out (and the TKD teacher could be a super-hot chick, you don’t know, wait till all the facts come out).
[quote=TEA;2446763]Well, a 26 year old TKD teacher preying on 15 years is pretty fucked up, too.
If we were going to make a more politically correct Bullshido Productions movie out of this, we’d change their ages to be closer to each other and they’d both be hot young adults, change their martial art of preference from TKD to MT, and change the location to Georgia. I think that would be a movie worth making. We could cast JFS as the evil villain and Sirc could be his misguided but loveable henchman.[/quote]
Sirc would obviously be playing the 15 year old girl the TKD teacher seduces.
No, Sirc would be the misguided teenager who worships at the feet of the evil Kung Fu master, not knowing that his master is full of shit and an evil skumbag. After having been sexually abused by said master for years, he is too psychologically damaged to realize that the Kung Fu master is a deranged prick until he sees the parallels between his own abuse and that that his master inflicts upon the young MT practitioner. Helping her somewhat older and much more bad ass lover rescue her from the clutches of the evil villain not only helps him redeem his blighted soul but also gets him laid in the end.
But that’s just the back story. The real story is an epic love tail and adventure about two female warriors who not only challenge conventional notions about love and sexual identity, but who also challenge frauds and posers in the martial arts by beating the snot out of them one gong sau at time. The final battle will occur in the parking lot of a Masonic Lodge with the evil villain dying a bloody death while whining about doing battle in a parking lot.