I mean he claims ‘The World’s Top MMA Instructors Turn To Me For Training And Advice…’ I don’t see a name check and thats a pretty big claim that you would be proud to at least give a ‘shout out’ for.
[quote=wushurichard;2377279]‘The World’s Top MMA Instructors Turn To Me For Training And Advice.’
‘you CANNOT Find A More Effective MMA Training System ANYWHERE’
and so forth[/quote]
Hyperbole and fluffery aren’t necessarily fraud. If he were making more specific claims (e.g. “black belt in style whatever” or the always popular “world champion”) there might be something to sink our teeth into, but the more general “we’re the best!” and “certain unnamed experts endorse us” leave a lot of wiggle room.
[quote=wushurichard;2377641]so because i am who i am then nobody wants to help me? unsuppriosing.
thanks for not being helpful and predajust to me[/quote]
Quit whining. I have no idea who you are and don’t care. Nobody is prejudiced (p-r-e-j-u-d-i-c-e-d) against you. If you want a helpful response you need to offer something more tangible than “I’m suspicious, is anybody else?”
Can I havethis thread moved to the appropriate forum so i can have a conversation regarding the subject…this would be greatly appreciated
I mean he claims ‘The World’s Top MMA Instructors Turn To Me For Training And Advice…’ I don’t see a name check and thats a pretty big claim that you would be proud to at least give a ‘shout out’ for.
I have been in the martial arts a long time…20 years and a professional instructor for 15 years.
It’s been my life for a long time and when you get some nobodies making compeletely random…lack of any understanding comments.
I have to respond.
Firstly I teach pivoting on a hook after a couple of weeks - its the most difficult punch (most martial artists cannot do this technique) The reason is because beginners will not learn to sit down on there shots if they start pivoting from the start…in my experience this comes next.
second on the other video - I do not teach hammer fisting ankles - this concept works in two ways…using the hammer fist to pass the leg by striking the foot and getting past the legs…second in a sport scenerio to smash toes!
Its embarassing when you have people make these comments…seriously!
Anyone has a question you can contact me through my site.
I have been in the martial arts a long time…20 years and a professional instructor for 15 years.
It’s been my life for a long time and when you get some nobodies making compeletely random…lack of any understanding comments.
I have to respond.
Firstly I teach pivoting on a hook after a couple of weeks - its the most difficult punch (most martial artists cannot do this technique) The reason is because beginners will not learn to sit down on there shots if they start pivoting from the start…in my experience this comes next.
second on the other video - I do not teach hammer fisting ankles - this concept works in two ways…using the hammer fist to pass the leg by striking the foot and getting past the legs…second in a sport scenerio to smash toes!
Its embarassing when you have people make these comments…seriously!
Anyone has a question you can contact me through my site.