Last post wins and all that

Congratulations to Der for winning v4.0. I decided in v3.0 that he and one other individual would instantly win if at any time I saw their name as the last post.

Why? Because it’s unfair and I’m a mean person.


WTF Man???

thas just how jnp rolls.

Playas gonna play and haters gonna hate.

YouTube - John McEnroe - You Can Not Be Serious
I was going to post on that thread too. But no I thought I have to do work and will post later.
That will learn me.
No more work now just constant posting on this thread.

This is fucking ridiculous!

I’m a TV lawyer and I’m gonna have your subpoenas indicted for juris prudence!


It’s like fucking Calvinball around here.

[quote=jnp;2440982]Congratulations to Der for winning v4.0. I decided in v3.0 that he and one other individual would instantly win if at any time I saw their name as the last post.

Why? Because it’s unfair and I’m a mean person.[/quote]

aboos uf oarThor-ities !

U bin repoarted

Yeah, that’s right I jumped straight to Phrost’s PERSONAL Facebook account so you couldn’t delete it out of the Moderators phorum.

and I hope you enjoy your ban !

Jnp, you’re dead to me.

You win.:qtank:

[quote=jnp;2440982]Congratulations to Der for winning v4.0. I decided in v3.0 that he and one other individual would instantly win if at any time I saw their name as the last post.

Why? Because it’s unfair and I’m a mean person.[/quote]

At least you were nice enough to start a new thread for us!

All right, how called jnp an asshole in the tags?

Out with it, you lily-livered nancy boys!

Being called an asshole merely means I’m doing my job properly. It’s a compliment here.

So to whomever wrote that, thanks and I’ll try to keep up the good work.

Thank you once again for crushing all of my wishes and dreams. Hope you can sleep knowing that. Also, zapruder says that you are an extremely nice guy in person, but I’m finding this very hard to believe given your wanton cruelty.

Antifa says the same thing.

I think it is an elaborate troll job.

You’re probably gonna say I look lovely. But you probably don’t think nothin of me.

It was a typo.
I was trying to type “jnp’s a+ asshole” and my finger slipped in the excitement.

JNP … he is, the biggest a-hole on bullshido…

JNP “I’m not always a dick, but when I am. I prefer to ban. Stay grumpy my friends…”