Last Person to Post in this Thread Spins

if you’re the last person to post in this thread, you must put your forehead to the end of a baseball bat and spin 5 times, then do 10 push ups.

let’s get this started!

[spoiler]you really don’t wanna see this, it’s pretty nsfw.
given the title, what do you really think it’s going to be?
you’ve honestly probably already seen it.
even if you haven’t, this isn’t something you need to introduce yourself to.
i mean really, is your curiosity that strong?
you know, you could probably just quote this post and get the url without actually having to see the image.
once it’s been seen, it can’t be unseen.
i guess if you REALLY want to see it, i can’t really stop you.
unless, of course, there isn’t anything at the end of this spoiler tower, and it’s just a ruse to keep you going deeper down the rabbit hole.
but no one would be that much of an asshole, right?

[spoiler]okay, i’m getting pretty tired.
i could just spring it on you, catch you totally off guard.
you never know if the next one might be the last one.
honestly, you should probably just give up now.
okay, okay, i wouldn’t just post it in the mid-

[spoiler]-dle of a sentence or anything.
i’d definitely give you some kind of warning.

[spoiler]LIKE THIS ONE.
except that wasn’t a real warning.

yeah, consider these next ones formal warnings.
it’s coming, seriously.

[spoiler]you’ve made it this far, just a little bit further.
unless you feel like giving up, that’s fine too.
honestly, this isn’t something you need to see.
you might think i’m kidding, but i’m not.

[spoiler]the only reason i’m even showing this is because i had to see it once upon a time, and misery loves company.
but i can’t really stop you, can i?

[spoiler]okay, seriously, last warning.

[spoiler]isn’t this the best way to start a LPTP thread?
here we go.

[spoiler]in 3



[spoiler]VVV someone set us up the bomb. VVV


Now was that really worth it?


i kno rite??

The drill you described above is the worst drill, since it is guaranteed that you will fall head over ass as soon as you try to get up.

i feel a little bit gay having looked at that, and even gayer for thinking that it looked like someone trying to hypnotize me. I’m gonna go do some pullups and kick myself in the face :frowning:

No can defense.

Falls into this category…

The one I call ‘What the fuck was the point of that?’

to get you to look, obviously.

[QUOTE=Conde Koma;2577561]to get you to look, obviously.[/QUOTE]

Then it worked. I congratulate you. But I’m not sure why.

human curiosity is an interesting thing. even if you give someone all the answers, there’s generally an insatiable desire to follow all the way through to the finish. it’s the same reason people say they need to see films like “The Human Centipede” or “The Room” for themselves, even if they already know all the jokes or all the dumb bits.

Heard about the ‘Room’ on the interwebz. I would say the appeal for me was a certain level of self awareness beyond that of Tommy Wiseau. Regardless of his attempts at reappraisal we know he meant it.


Yes, you broke the spoiler tags. I hate you more for making me read the cramped text than the actual content.

I stoped reading the text after the first one. My wife and I were…quite surprised!

[QUOTE=doofaloofa;2577618]My wife and I were…quite surprised![/QUOTE]

Then disgusted.
Then curious.
Then disgusted again.
Back to curious…
Then you lost interest.[/kevinnealon]

:MouthOpen:I never knew men did that to each other!

you’d be surprised at what men don’t do to each other.

ooh, harsh.

[QUOTE=Conde Koma;2577637]you’d be surprised at what men don’t do to each other.[/QUOTE]

Display empathy and decency in their dealings with one another?