LARP-ing is perfectly acceptable

When it comes to Zombies


What is your Z-Day contingency plan?

Do NOT pretend that you don’t have one. Post kit pics if you have them. I don’t have my carry permit yet, and my machette is in another town. I am unarmed, and my only food provisions are some ramen. I know that I am woefully unprepared.

I personally am staying the fuck away from wal-mart. I don’t want to be around large crowds of people (and you know that’s where they’re flocking). Zed is a disease, you have to remember this. In case of disaster, large groups of people huddled together are the perfect conditions for outbreak. One gets in and…

So, our first move is across the street to rob the IGA (convienience/grocery store that noone is ever in). High proof alchohol, bottled water, lighters, anti-bioticsand dry weight, non perishable foodstuffs. After loading up the truck we go down the road to a friends parents house (lives 5 min from campus). Vey outdoorsy folk. They have 4 bikes, 2 atv’s crossbows and other hunting/camping supplies. Their house can be barricaded from outside access by destroying the wooden staircase in the garage and leading up to the high rise deck. After a night we head south, probably to find my coach.

Does anyone else here play Dead Frontier by any chance?

Grab my shotgun, jump on my motorcycle. and enjoy.

I’d probably just become a zombie. It would save a major amount of hassle, and honestly, how bad can it be?

If I catch it early enough in the “outbreak” rob my neighbor. He’s a gun nut so that’ll supply me with protection. Then go on a little preemptive murder spree at whatever grocery store is closest. Load up my 4x4 and head for a little out of the way cabin that requires some serious 4wd action to reach. On the way, rescue the hottest piece of ass I can find. Kick it for a couple months up there, then head down to see what’s left of humanity. And shot it.

I bought an extra battery for my Blackberry, so to follow the Bullshido posts tracking of the Zombie hoards.

I’ve always wondered what would serve as a better zombie wacker:




I’m thinking the Machete might be the most efficient, the club the most durable, and the axe a good compromise in between.

Of course, for firearms nothing beats a good shotgun.

(semi obscure reference) Cricket bat

First, I’d try to locate my girlfriend, but she lives 30 minutes away, so I don’t know if it would be possible to save her if she’s not already with me. Then I’d get to my parents’ house, get armed with a deer rifle and shotgun, climb up on the roof with some supplies and start picking off infected neighbors. I’d try to wait out the inital panic and avoid major roads for a week or so. When it seemed to quiet down a little, I’d go house-to-house raiding for food and supplies. Then I’d want to locate a Toyota Prius or something really fuel efficient and get out of town. If my GF is still answering the phone, I’d go get her.

Once on the road, I’d only stop for gas and to salvage anything really useful I see. I’d drive to Ft. Hood in Killeen, TX. Because if anybody can hold off the Zombie Hordes, it’s an Army base with two armored divisions.

If the roads were too dangerous, I’d just find a place out in the boonies to hide and wait it out till humanity started to collectively fight back.

Can anyone tell me what’s wrong with this picture? Anyone at all?

Aim for the head.

Then I’ll take his bazooka and wipe out some zombies.

Are you kidding me? Take the Star Wars Kid’s bazooka?

He will pwn you.

Oooh oooh! memememememe!

How is he going to carry all his neighbor’s guns?

Another Zombie apocalypse thread?

Seriously, what is it with all this insistent individualism? Just join the zombie horde already!

What kinda rots are we talking? Cuz if it’s 28 Day Later kinda fast-running zombies, we definitely need guns. But if it’s just tripping-over-their-own-feet zombies with their limbs falling off, I can just grip a crowbar and watch my own back.

I would try to make it to the Marine Corps base. It is only a short drive from me and is geographically easy to isolate. Once there I would just pin on my captain’s bars (I’m still in the IRR) and use my knowledge of the surrounding urban area to assist in the battle against the undead hoards.

But, there exists the possibility that the close quarters of the enlisted barracks could make the base one of the epicenters of the outbreak, so Plan B is to make my stand in my apartment building. Cutting off the power and putting a bullet in the emergency generator would shut down the elevators, making the two stairwells the only way in or out. Stairwells are easy to boobytrap and I probably have enough ammo to shoot every person in my neighborhood at least once. After dispatching those in my building who have already turned and barricading the other residents with myself, it would be easy to prioritize the use of my weapons:

M1 Garand and PTR 91- For killing zombies from the roof of my building.
Sig 556- For killing zombies who make it inside.
Pistols- For killing my neighbors who suddenly turn into zombies and euthanizing those who have been bitten (I hope they would do the same for me).
Remington 700- When all zombie in the immediate vicinity have been dispatched, for picking off zombies in neighboring subdivisions.

If the situation becomes untenable, plan C is to grab my AK and a case of 7.62 and shoot my way to my car, in which I already keep a survival kit. Hopefully I will have the hot chick on my floor (who’s name I don’t know) and a couple of other ladies with me, provided I haven’t had to blow them away with the rest of the undead. After all, at this point I will be the town’s most eligible bachelor simply for the benefit of being the most heavily armed. With the AK for hunting and iodine tabs for water, we can survive indefinitely in the mountains while civilization tears itself apart below. Once the food supply dries up and the zombies die off we will descend from the highlands and begin the long process of repopulating the Earth.

are you sure that’s not a potato cannon?

I would quickly loot walmarts, targets, k marts, gathering supplies and thoe little ice packs gut the ice packs extract the ammoinium nitrate pellets mix with kersonene in pvc pipe casings will nails and other nasties add decent fuse viola ANFO fragmentation grenades.

After that i will go to the local gunstore ask the owner to either join me or die, if not a brick through the windo and my anfo grenades will turn him to pieces, i would then look for his keys take as many weapons as i can along with the ammo in the back of the room and ride out with his big truck.

Then i would go to my uncles 25 acre farm an hour away from anywhere and hang out with him since he homesteads we would be allright.

Muay Thai > Zombies.

I would just over hand left or right clinch and knee zombie heads off.

In all seriousness, crow bar, kali stick, look for guns and supplies. Move from place to place whilst sleeping on roofs.

I wouldn’t even try running from the bastards, I’d have fun offing all the undead bastards. You guys with your ‘survivalist’ b/s. That shit is boring.

You still don’t have ground game…
