Languages and the Ladies

Dear LLL, I have a question;

Throughout my exhaustive research, (and immense attraction to mexican ladies who can speak spanish), I’ve found that Mexican girls find it very sweet and adorable when you learn shit in their language to hit on them with.

So, here is my question:

Do the ladies like guys who can speak other languages? Or is it simply just an accent thing?

How many of you can speak foreign (non english) languages, and what language is it? Why do you know it?

Also, if you’re ever hitting on a spanish-speaking chick;

“Yo pienso que estas muy bonita, Quiceries salir a-comer?” Works great. It means, “I think you’re very pretty, would you like to go out to eat sometime?”

yo PEenso kay stas, muay bohkneetah, quisares sali ah comair is how you say it.

  1. yes

  2. 1 fluent in , 2 garbled in, 1 barely comprehensible in.

What languages/why do you know them?

Being able to converse with someone in a second tongue - whether it’s their native one or a shared second language - definitely facilitates a more intimate type of communication. Unsurprising, since it usually means that you’re the only two in the room who can understand what’s being said.
The less they expect you to be able to, the better.
I remember a lass I met in Shanghai who absolutely flipped a shit when she found out, in addition to Chinese, I could also hold a conversation in Japanese.
I really look forward to the day when I meet another human being who speaks Manchu.

  1. Danish-living 2.German/Japanese-school 3. spanish- school

mcclaw, word. You may be the only person who is fluent in manchu.

ian, LOL, german. Such an angry language…

Not necesarily, it’s also very poetic.


Why would you learn Spanish to speak to Mexican ladies? All the Mexican guys they already boned speak Spanish to them. And all the ICE agents speak English to them.

So you should learn French.

Women get teh horny when they don’t know what you’re saying.

ian, LOL, german. Such an angry language…[/quote]

I’m guessing you were half joking, but I might as well make the point: we Americans often think of German as a harsh language because most of our exposure to German is from old war movies and Nazi speeches.

Once you get used to some of the more “guttural,” phlegm producing sounds (like the “r” and “ch”), German can be quite pleasant.

Farsi-DLI taught
Polish-DLI taught
Russian-one semester at U of M
Spanish-two years in high school
German-stationed for almost three years in Germany

Having said that, Farsi’s my best. The others are really just a smattering. I can read Cyrillic some because of the Russian. Polish…eh, if I was immersed in it I’d get it back fairly quickly. It’s just useless to me right now, so I don’t use it. My German’s pretty shitty, too.


Why would you learn Spanish to speak to Mexican ladies? All the Mexican guys they already boned speak Spanish to them. And all the ICE agents speak English to them.

So you should learn French.

Women get teh horny when they don’t know what you’re saying.[/quote]

Because he is a gringo trying to learn spanish and that is adorable because he has that gringo accent.

I used to be able to speak/write latin decently enough that I could use it on the chicks. Tu puella pulcerissima es. You are a very beautiful girl. Say that and write them a short poem in latin, its like crack to some women. Others think its over the top and stupid. Really depends on how much they like “the notebook”

or context.

The guys I worked with taught me some Spanish. Try ‘necesito pucha’. (Not sure if I spelled that correcty) The reaction is interesting.

Tell her "Hola. Me Llamo Moose. Me encanta tomar te con los enanos luchadores completamante en pelotas. Te gustaria hacerle el amor a un jitomate?

I guarantee you she will find this irresistible.

Hell, that won me over. I love me some tomatoes.

It’s my experience that women appreciate a man who can talk to them, in any language. Gimmicks are no substitute for personality…

Soy ir cortarte, pindejo.


You misspelled ‘pindejo’, pendejo.

Also for the most part, Lu Tze has translated the correct.

I would think you all are aware of my stunning and charming personality.

Hey, how do i say, “Trick” in spanish.