KungFoolss/SCARS Buffoons - Read This

Looks like I’m not the only one who thinks KungFoolss is a total RETARD! Here is the URL, I have also posted the article.


Well, with a flying cyber monkey like “Kungfoolss,” how could SCARS get any more ridiculous?

Upon viewing some of the information on “Kungfoolss,” I felt rather badly. After all, he likes Rush Limbaugh, I like Rush Limbaugh, I believe in the NRA and the Second Amendment and apparently he does as well.

No matter.

In this particular arena, he is a total choad, running his mouth about things he knows very little about.

There is a difference between “Kungfoolss” and Rush Limbaugh, Rush is usually correct. Sure, he lays an egg sometimes, on some issues, but by and large, he is usually right.

“Kungfoolss” apparently keys off of the powerbase of arrogance. But, in order to be arrogant and not a fool, one must be correct a large part of the time, if not, the arrogance just makes one a fool. In this case, a “Kungfool.”

In other words, if you’re right a majority of the time, you can usually be an arrogant bastard if you so choose.

Wrap your mind around his signature line that he had here at SDF as well as McDojo.Com and some other places:

“Kungfoolss, Scourge of the theory-based stylists and the Dominate Prevailing Force in the martial arts political arena.”

For one thing, that would not be “dominate.” It would be “dominant.” One can “dominate” something and that is “domination.” One can be “dominant” in some endeavor, but in order to do so, clearly, the person wishing to be the “dominant” person must be able to spell and know these subtle little things that most people learn somewhere around the sixth grade.

Since SCARS is supposed to be so scientific, that would mean that it is not a “theory-based style?”

Since it is not theory-based, can someone direct me to the huge pile of bodies it has left in its wake?

Isn’t SCARS based on a Martial Arts System? Or did someone pull it out of their brilliant, theorizing ass and simply decide, “This is science and this will work, fuck proof, I don’t need no stinking proof…” Is that what happened?

A Disturbed Man

This “Kungfoolss” idiot, running around and collecting every possible instance where a Martial Artist or a Martial Arts Instructor has committed some crime or negligent act and then claiming all people in the Martial Arts are like that, is so absurd, the only reason I bring it up is to clue you in to what a wonderful Spokesperson is running around pumping the dead dog of SCARS, a dog that died several years ago in “Fighting Knives” and “Full Contact” Magazines.

He had two threads on his incredibly lame Delphi Forum with regard to how the mentally retarded were treated [badly] by Martial Artists, which comes as no surprise, seeing how I banned “Kungfoolss” from SDF as soon as I saw his stupid post.

OK, I’m sorry, I treated the retard badly, horribly in fact. I apologize, I won’t reinstate him, however.

Here are some of the headlines of one of the forums this [kung]fool has on his “SCFF Discussion Board.”

When Martial Artists go bad…

'Jiujitsu black belt gets six months in sex assault case"

“Former Central Lake man accused of molesting two boys” This was a “Karate Instructor.”

He has one story there about a Priest who was guilty of sex crimes and he titled it, “A stylist who was a man of the cloth.”

The Priest ran some martial arts school, apparently.


“Tulsa - The owner of a Tulsa martial arts [TKD] studio has been arrested, accused of sexually abusing three young girls.”

Under why you can’t trust martial artists is a 1992 story of a U.S. Airman who was a martial arts instructor who was arrested and convicted of spying. The list goes on a bit more, but I’m sure you get the idea.

When someone asked if anyone had seen a movie, “They call me Bruce,” Kungfoolss posted an article about a rapist who looked like Bruce Lee.

Lame, very lame.

He had a story about the “stylists” in Special Forces who came back from Afghanistan and killed their wives at Ft. Bragg.

Given the mental status of this and other SCARS Clones I have read about on the Internet, it seems almost certain that if this “System” ever grew to hundreds of thousands of practitioners, oh, I’m sure they would have their fair share of molesters, rapists and killers as well.

It has nothing to do with martial artists going bad. It has to do with the law of averages.

SCARS, Kung Fu by any other name

It’s rather funny, because SCARS is derived from a martial art, a style of Kung Fu. I am sure this thread will warrant a smack down on his pathetic, asscreature forum he has on Delphi, no matter. I am sure he will scream to high heaven that SCARS was pulled out of someone’s ass instead of it being approximately Yellow Belt Level in a Kung Fu style.

Funny he calls himself “Kungfoolss,” apparently, he eats up low level Kung Fu.

You get that?

He embraces low level Kung Fu, calls himself “Kungfoolss” on the Internet and then blasts all martial arts, including Kung Fu.

Interesting, huh?

Pathological is what it is.

What a complete waste of sperm and egg.

He can call SCARS “Scientific” or whatever he wants to run with at the time, makes no difference, if Martial Arts are to be condemned, here is the wake up call, SCARS should be as well because it is derived from Martial Arts.

This stupid bastard thinks there are “Secrets.”

I am learning so much on the Internet, five years after arriving on this scene, I can still be surprised by the cowardly and mentally retarded individuals online.

Their mental retardation runs as deep as their blatant hypocrisy.

Enter Full Contact Magazine

The short run Sister Magazine of Fighting Knives, there has never been a pair of magazines as good as these for the tactically minded individual, especially those who believe edged weapons are viable self-defense weapons.

Let us take a look back to yesteryear and hear the facts about SCARS.

June 1994:
Hostile Control Systems

Jerry Peterson’s Hostile Control Systems is out of control and this issue’s big video loser. Despite superb video production and creative packaging - not to mention a big bucks marketing campaign - HCS is pure BS, any way you cut it. Full Contact was so amazed at the claims made by Peterson in his advertising that we did some checking, starting with the United States Navy’s elite SEAL program in Coronado, California.

In the original four page promotion - run first by Black Belt Magazine - Peterson claims to have taught a martial arts system called ‘SCARS’ to the Navy SEALs for over five years. HCS is said to be a civilian version of this ‘classified’ fighting system developed especially for the military’s elite.

One capable of making any zero-sum streetfighter a lean, mean ass-kicking machine - even when it comes to any black belts presently walking the face of the earth.

We interviewed both Peterson and his business partner after discussing ‘SCARS’ and the ensuing ad campaign for HCS with the Navy, and here’s the scoop:

Mr. Peterson has only taught the SCARS system to those sailors attending the UDT/SEAL qualification course, known as BUD/S, since 1989. This program consists of roughly 24 hours of basic hand to hand training spread out during the over 30 week course. As Lt. Commander King, NAVSPECWAR public affairs officer, told us: ‘It hardly teaches anyone how to kick anybody’s ass. It’s a morale builder - a motivator - and that’s all.’

Full Contact has confirmed that the SEALs have enlisted the professional guidance of Paul Vunak, who trained various East Coast SEAL Teams in self-defense from 1987 - 1990. In November of last year, Vunak agreed to train a selected SEAL platoon and invited personnel representing the West Coast Teams.

We invited Peterson to present his SCARS/HCS system for a hands on test with several martial artists, all of whom are black belts in their chosen style. He refused.

What is ‘HCS’ and/or ‘SCARS?’ According to Bob Taylor, who has studied several diverse martial systems, the techniques come from the yellow/green belt levels of a well known Kung Fu style fathered by Jimmy Woo. Whom Peterson confirmed he trained with for a short time in Los Angeles.

Full Contact agrees with P.T. Barnum. Indeed, ‘there’s a sucker born every minute.’ Pass on this two-tape package - and avoid ticking off anyone having a higher belt ranking than orange should you believe this stuff will make you invincible."

Isn’t it a sonofabitch? Ain’t it a stone cold sonofabitch that some of us keep magazines this long?

I could write MORE about this BULLSHIT if I felt like digging through years of Fighting Knives where it was shot down again with different words and sources.

No matter what some might say about Bob Taylor, what he said was confirmed by others.

So, if SCARS is so deadly and so “battle proven,” why is it the Navy Contracted Paul Vunak and others to teach the Teams once they actually became SEALs, furthermore, Vunak also taught SEAL Team Six, the Counterterrorist Team. Imagine that…

Are we to believe this moron “Kungfoolss” that the Navy Personnel in charge of real-deal training screwed the pooch when they contracted Vunak and not Peterson? Are we to believe that “Kungfoolss” knows more about real deal violence than the Naval Personnel deciding what hand to hand combat course the SEALs will go through AFTER they complete BUD/S?

Use your head.

Going back to this idiot, doesn’t all of his painful smearing of martial arts and his mocking name of “Kungfoolss” seem like the ranting of a mental patient who has not had his daily thorazine shot?

SCARS is based not only on a Kung Fu style, which makes Peterson as well as “Kungfoolss” the “stylists” he loves to rant about, but it is a low to mid-level collection of techniques as well.

Imagine that.

The truth hurts, Kungfoolss, suck on it, troll.

Your signature line, one more time:

“Kungfoolss, Scourge of the theory-based stylists and the Dominate Prevailing Force in the martial arts political arena.”

You’re definitely a scourge, as well as being a deluded, loudmouthed, trolling asshole.

Crawl back to your shitty Bat-cave that is your Delphi Forum and pontificate about whatever lies you can come up with, you whining troglodyte. Keep your merry band of hallucinating followers over there as well. I love banning fools, Kungfoolss or otherwise.

Let me repeat one very important part from above mentioned article…

We invited Peterson to present his SCARS/HCS system for a hands on test with several martial artists, all of whom are black belts in their chosen style. HE REFUSED.

yep, looks like Balloonknot has a beltloop with “Kungfools” written on it.

Better saddle up to yer new daddy.


wait, there’s more coming MrMcFu!!!


YUP. I’m just trying to educate the masses.

Was there ever a doubt? Most of those guys all look like fat elvis’ to me. Talk about mental masterbation.

I sent many e-mails to those people and nothing came of it. I also called and got a machine so i left a msg and you konw what, lol notihng again, I have asked kungfools about peeps in my area and you know what. NOTHING. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

hmmmmm. suspicious isn’t it? Let’s all start digging deeper into this guys life. Who knows what we’ll find?

The person who should banned him is Peterson. I mean if OwnedFools is joke of a rep for SCARS. I know very little about SCARS, but if I had to base an oppinoin on what OwnedFools says…Forget it! I feel SCARS is a joke based on him. At least when TruthHurts debates on the side of SCARS he uses logic and facts to back up his side. He explains the “method behind the madness” when he tries to explain the SCARS view point.

It is good to keep OwnedFools around. He is like watching a Jerry Springer show. It makes you appreciate your training and life so much more because…hey, at least you’re not him. :slight_smile:

Jeremy M. Talbott
Scourge of Kungfools’ joke-based logic, Biggest thorn in his side, and the Preeminent Force in putting dumbasses like him to bed

<img src=icon_smile_big.gif border=0 align=middle>

And as usual Kungfools is too much of a fuckin dickhead to reply to anything that counters what he preaches.

Well played kungfoolss <img src=icon_smile.gif border=0 align=middle> thumbs up.