Kungfoolss outed?

Our dear Kungfoolss has let it be known that he works out with his ‘partner’ at Kapiolani Beach Park (Kuhio is a family body board surfing area then Diamond Head side is Queen’s Beach-named after Queen Liliuokalani’s beach house, not the current visitors to this beach.

From Gay Hawaii Guide:

Located in Kapiolani Park at the Diamond Head end of Waikiki, this is the gay beach. On Kalakaua Ave., as you enter Kapiolani Park from Waikiki, follow the esplanade along the beach. The area from the groin to the Waikiki Aquarium is usually very gay.

… you’ll come upon a big shady tree, and a handsome beach pavilion built in the plantation style on your left, and another jetty, and an orange lifeguard tower on your right. On weekends you’ll need to know none of this because the boys will be blanket-to-blanket, both on the narrow beach and on the lawn. . Queen’s Surf Beach provides a relaxed and “safe” way to meet others, as opposed to a bar atmosphere where the ambience can be more intimidating.

Ah ha, I knew he had issues. Being in the closet is one of them!

Is this him and his ‘partner’ doing the dreaded SCARS titty twist???

That’s hilarious. I can’t believe we’ve finally found him!


How sad for the gay community.

Geez…late for work again…

funny though.


That made soda come out my nose.:smiley:

I have no problem with Kungfools being gay. It is him being a pussy that annoys me.

WCL is correct.

I knew it all along… what?

Originally posted by WingChun Lawyer
I have no problem with Kungfools being gay. It is him being a pussy that annoys me.


And on that note I’m selling Gay Straight Alliance tee shirts $12 shipping included, black with the gay triangle (pink) with a GSA emblem. And here’s a copy of a letter we wrote to the paper in response to flyers being left around town by anti gay hate moron fucks. (did you know that being around gays can make you gay?)

To the Editor:
Recently in our community there have been several expressions of prejudice and hatred against people based on their sexual orientation. We are writing this letter because we are part of a religious group whose history includes a proud tradition of offering love, support, and comfort to all ostracized in society, such as prisoners, refugees, slaves, Native Americans, and gays.
As Quakers, we believe that everyone has “that of God within,” and we recognize that Light in all people regardless of their sexual orientation, belief system, or socio-economic condition. Quakers also have a strong tradition and belief in bearing testimony, and so we strive to “let our lives speak.” We abhor hatred against any group: straight, gay, black, white, poor, or otherwise disenfranchised. We believe that all should be treated with equal respect for their individual worth.
Our beliefs are consistent with the rights of the people protected by the United State Constitution. These rights protect the minority from harm by majority rule. Not so long ago, the majority in the United States would have voted for continuing segregation, for allowing discrimination based on race, and for keeping interracial marriages illegal. We believe the rights currently extended to heterosexuals should be extended to homosexuals, in the same way that rights once extended only to white men have been extended to men and women of all races. The parallels to the civil rights movement are apparent: Even if someone’s sexual orientation is different from yours, their rights to fair and equal treatment should be protected.

that letter is pretty damn gay.

Originally posted by Jenfucius
that letter is pretty damn gay.

You should know

Originally posted by patfromlogan
(did you know that being around gays can make you gay?)

Is that a joke or can you really turn gay if you hang around gays?

Well I had to cross my legs to read this thread.

Originally posted by Chris.B
Is that a joke or can you really turn gay if you hang around gays?

Uh, no.

Beware, t3h gh3y is a highly contagious disease…

It is like vampirism in that respect.

OH MY GAWD! This thread turned me gay!

OH MY GAWD! This thread turned me straight!