Anybody know anything about Bruce Downey? Apparently he was an assistant instructor for Leishman and now he’s opened up his own school in Ontario. What he’s teaching is dangerous and I think he’s a fraud. He keps talking about his teachers Mr Sterling Lin and Brian Leishman, but I can’t find anything about Mr Lin at all.
What makes you think he is a fraud and dangerous?
More importantly, learn the rules of this site before neccroing old threads to learn about other people who might have been related to the school in question. Read the stikies and if you think this requires investigation, start your own thread in the proper format for MABS.
Ben Grimm. I know many other styles of Chinese Kung Fu besides what Brian Leishman taught me. besides, Brian was a wonderful martial artist in combat. He was very powerful and dynamic as a fighter. I am familiar with some of the background. But he knew much more than that.
I have had four Kung Fu masters teach me over the years and other masters under them in the clubs also. All other three taught traditional Chinese Kung Fu.
i am not a fraud. I know and teach real trqaditional Kung Fu. My time with Brian Leishman, was way back when i was just starting out.
I’ll let you think that.
I know that, not “think” that.
Bruce, you’ve got to get over these delusions you are having. Get off the medication and stop watching those Shaw Brothers films. Everybody on DL has seen what Leishman has to offer and well, he’s a joke.
Bruce, I have to ask you. Why are you so protective of Leishman? Did you have some …special bonding experiences or something?
I have had many other traditional martial arts masters teach me various Kung Fu styles, I started with Leishman, way back when I was around 19 years old. He was an amazing fighter. I don’t know all of what he knows and what he studied. But one thing is for sure he could fight.
I am assuming that he just took all his knwledge from his many years of study, and not just with the people mentioned on this site, and he developed his own fighting system, which he teaches now called “The White Lotus System”. He, worked on his techniques, just like every single master who originated a style did in the old days. Who knows, 500 years from now, the White Lotus system may be a popular style of Kung Fu.
You study Wing Chun. Did you know that it was developed by a woman? and she just “MADE UP” moves to counter others attacks. If you use the same reasoning, the people she first taught,might have said. Wait, you just made all this up!!
There is not a single person here that calims to have traditional martial arts from way back that the original founder did not just make up stuff to work in combat.
The whole reasoning is unsound.
Actually, the whole purpose of this site is unsound. Except for exposing liars, like you and any other person who claims things that are not true.
Any person can develope any techniques from their learning and practice and that is MARTIAL ARTS.
The part that many don’t like is when person lies to them. I agree that that is frustrating. They may say they learned from a monk over here and they did not etc etc etc. In this regard, this site has some purpose. But as far as any person on the planet developing fighting techniques that work for them in tried combat and actuall real life situations and creating a style from that. that is perfectly acceptable, andif others want to learn that, so what?
But this is not how i learned and teach. i have studied under very traditional Chinese masters form the Hung gar system who also taught Northern Shaolin, and White Crane, the Choy Li Fut system, and Seven Star Praying Mantis system. As well I have studied many other aspects of Kung Fu and styles on my own. As well, I have learned from other Kung Fu practitioners who are not masters.
The lineages can be traced back far to the founders for most of them.
Ben, grow up, if everyone here does not kow you as a mocker and liar yet, they will.
To Ben
Fraud implies someone who lies about credentials i.e. claiming to be a BJJ BB.
Whether or not HungKungFu teaches crap or not he seems to be honest about his training and credentials therefore - not a fraud-
And to HungKungFu
No one cares if someone makes something up if it can be backed up in a live resistant non choreographed manner. The problem with most Kung Fu is they back up their claims through descriptions and anecdotal confirmation.
There are several posters here who are Kung Fu guys and can show what they know works. In the day and age of video and youtube it’s not hard.
This is neither a critique or a confirmation of what you can or can’t do. Just clarifying this statement
You study Wing Chun. Did you know that it was developed by a woman? and she just “MADE UP” moves to counter others attacks. If you use the same reasoning, the people she first taught,might have said. Wait, you just made all this up!!
No one cares about who made what up. Just can it work and if so prove it.
Wing Chun has a huge problem in this, as most proof relies on compliant demonstrations or hand me down stories of masters awesomeness.
There are some Chunners who do spar hard and go out of their way to show instead of tell.
I’m attacking Leishman, not Bruce’s crap. I’ve also challenged Bruce, he has refused many times. I even said I would go to him. He refused. Probably a good thing if he studied from Leishman.
That is not how you started out on this thread. Here is what you said.
I asked “What makes you think he is a fraud?” You have failed to answer. This is not a forum for issuing challenges or being disgruntled. Read the stickies and provide evidence of the claims you are making.
Bruce teaches stuff that doesn’t work. Neither does his teacher Leishman. Leishman teaches non-contact self defence. Bruce claims multiple lineages that don’t exist.
Please provide evidence and/or examples. This is not a forum for venting feelings. What lineage is questionable? What is bullshido about what Bruce is doing?
Go to and check for all posts by KungFuMan, and and check all posts by TigerClaw. There are thousands of posts written by him, showing his garbage.
Everything I teach does work. Unless you consider traditional Hung Gar, Choy Li fut, Seven Star Praying Mantis and other traditional styles don’t work. In the Hung style the Lineage is more vague but goes from the Lam Sai Wing Line. The Choy Li Fut Lineage traces right back to Chan Heung, the Seven Star Linegage right back to the founder.
Ben, I wonder if anyone actually believe you here.
And By the way, as i said, Brian Leishaman was an excellent fighter when I knew him.
You’ve never been able to prove anything before on other forums. Just LARPing around and then taking answers from others and claiming them as your own. You’re a fucking fake, and I’ll fight you to prove it.
It is not up to us to read other web sites. YOU came HERE making accusations without any evidence. HungKungFu says what his lineage comes from. SHOW proof that he claims this is not his lineage or that this lineage is false. THIS FORUM NEEDS EVIDENCE to back claims and not fight challenges. A fight does not prove of disprove lineage, it only proves an inability to fight.
Yes, good point, I think you can see what kind of liars I have been putting up with for a while on these forums.
It doesn’t matter to me if anyone does not believe that I have had four main masters teach me and a few other masters from the clubs i have been at, as well as other instructors. Or if they believe the lineage that I have from them. But I told Ben and others . I don’t lie about this, what would be the point?
As far as fighting, I told Ben I am a peaceful man and I don’t fight for his reasons. I suggested he go around to some other clubs in China and try his attitude in them and watch what happens. Although I would encourage him not to do this.
Also, I do not share everything about myself in these forums. I do not want to give any more names of instructors or clubs etc. I don’t want some people here bothering my instructors. And I know they will. Some of my Sifus are very peaceful men and they don’t want to get involved in such nonsense talk or with people who talk like Ben. and a few others.
If you read all of the posts, you’ll find that the only instructor that exists is Brian Leishman. Sterling Lin in Canada doesn’t seem to exist and neither does/did the E-Chuan Mun school. If anyone apart from Bruce can find any real proof, I’ll retract my argument on this one issue.
To all, here is the request Ben Grimm wanted I have posted a Logo on a shirt we used to wear at the club. Yes I learned Hung gar Kung Fu there, (Traditional Hung Gar) and he also taught White Crane and Northern Shaolin. I give this shirt as some evidence. but… Ben still wont retract his attacks. He has been up to these false attacks upon me for a long time and he follows me into different forums.
This Logo is from an old shirt, No i did not go out and have a logo put on a old worn out shirt and go to all the trouble of such a thing just to prove you wrong. It is a real Logo on a shirt we wore way back in the eighties.
Ben, you not only have to retract your attacks but all your other false words against me based upon your false assumptions. But I doubt you will do it.
And No, I am not going to give any more name on the net, especially of any of my three other sifus.
WATCH ON ALL, HE WON’T GIVE UP HIS ATTACK, or recant of all his other lies.
The danger of always looking for falsehoods behind every corner, is that when the real deal comes along, some are so used to not trusting anyone that they attack the real as well.
Ben have dug a deep hole for himself through all his attacks based on falsehoods he has created. It is very hard for a person to admit that all they have said has been lies. He has said a great deal of things against me. But he is unaware that i deliberately do not give out certain information to some and I let them dig that deep hole before I reveal more. It is better to believe a person first then wait until you had some real evidence to the contrary before attacking as he has done.
Good point also for some on this site as well.
I could also post an actual Ad from a Yellow Pages about the Club. But I would have to go to the reference Library to get it. I saw it there a while ago. It was in every yellow pages all through the eighties.
But that still wouldn’t be enough for Ben, he needs to attack me to give his life some purpose.