Kung Fu in Australia

Greetings guys, I’m really interested in learning southern praying mantis in Australia and I came across these two places,



I think they are run by two brothers, one in each of the two different states…

The first thing that alerted me to the fact there may be an issue is the lack of lineage information I could find outside of the sites to coroborate the information, or any background details on the instructors. Also the price of tuition was incredibly high, the one in perth is $210 a month (about 180 - 190 US dollars per month) … and the one in the other state of Queensland is similiar.

Does anyone have any background information on these two schools or grandmasters, I know this forum has many different masters from different styles who may be able to coraborate the information on these websites?

Thanks (keeping an open mind)


MABS: Purpose and Policy - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

“Somebody Do Something!!!1!” - No BS MMA and Martial Arts

Welcome to bullshido. I moved this thread because it is an inquiry not an investigation.

Thanks, sorry, yep


haha i love the cobra kai outfits, but even better than that is the unflinching mean muggin going on while they practice these drills.

also, WTF at the padwork in the background. my eyes, they melt.

are you in perth or QL? you realise that outside thailand and the netherlands, aussie is the best place in the world for MT training? i would almost guarantee you have a gym somewhere near you that teaches pretty quality muay thai.

I second Alex on the Muay Thai, in Queensland especially.

And $210? That is almost double the average fee for most martial arts schools in Australia. It’d better be the best fucking training in the world without a doubt, by that I mean there should be no questions at all, ie the guy should have a traceable and verifiable lineage tattooed on his fucking forehead, or you should check out what else is on offer. I’d suggest looking elsewhere.

What are you looking for in a martial art?

Where are you based?

I was more interested in doing Kung Fu because I want to learn a martial art for street defence, street fighting. I love Muay Thai as a sport, and realise a lot of the fighters are great street fighters as well, but I wanted to specifically study Kung Fu because of its credentials in street fighting, not in the sporting ring (with gloves on etc) where the fighters are protected by big 16oz gloves, a referee, sets of rules, a ring, regulations (ie no weapons, no headbutts, no kicks to the groin) etc etc

essentially what im trying to say is that if i wanted to do a fighting sport i’d do muay thai, but I want to train somewhere that will give me training in real life fighting, where I can hone my skills in kicking to the groin, scratching at peoples eyes, headbutts, ripping out peoples hair, striking to the eyes, strikes to the throat (pretty much everything thats banned in sporting events like UFC and Kickboxing tournaments)

And which you will never actually do to another human being at Kung Fu, thus never honing your skills at it.

I think what I’m trying to say is that my training objective is to learn self defence for the street, so I want to train somewhere, where that is the primary learning aim. I think at Kickboxing, the primary aim is to train you to win sporting events? This would obviously have an impact of the types of things which are trained surely? How much time would be dedicated to knowing how to handle a knife or batton, strike the most vulnerable parts of the body, strike with the most dangerous types of attacks, and fight against more than one person on a regular basis?

wow this is weird i was about to come and post a topic on this school too.

i am moving back to Perth and my mate trains here and asked me to join, he told me it’s $200 a month and I scoffed, i’m pretty sure this place is a complete fraud.

if you want to learn genuine street lethal techniques, join a Krav Maga or Systema russian military art school, this place sounds 100% mcdojo!!

You will spend no time doing any of these at Kung Fu either.

Please present credentials for verification.


haha i love the cobra kai outfits, but even better than that is the unflinching mean muggin going on while they practice these drills.

also, WTF at the padwork in the background. my eyes, they melt.

are you in perth or QL? you realise that outside thailand and the netherlands, aussie is the best place in the world for MT training? i would almost guarantee you have a gym somewhere near you that teaches pretty quality muay thai.[/quote]

Seriously? I was under the impression that Australia was lagging behind in terms of Muay Thai, and that the New Zealand MT scene shat all over the Australian scene.

Clearly, I know SFA about Muay Thai.

When you end up in prison can you say hi to my cousin for me? He’s a guard in NSW. Thanks.

Sang is right, you’re not going to study these things in Kung Fu in a way that will enable you to reliably use them under pressure. And what makes you think a sport fighter wont break the rules outside of the ring? Hell, what makes you think they don’t break the rules in the ring?

Surely you can’t deny the fact that the purpose of a Kickboxing gym is to train people in preparation to win sporting fights in a ring, within a set of rules?

Is there anything wrong with looking for a place where the primary aim is to train me to be able to win street fights against attackers or multiple attackers where there are no rules?

In the same way that we respect that an MMA fighter is better in most self defence situations over a boxer, because we respect the fact that MMA train with less rules and restrictions?

This whole ‘street vs sport’ BS has been done here more times than creationists have dribbled on themselves. If you do a search you’ll find the major points addressed more than enough times.

You’re assuming that everyone in a kickboxing gym is there for the same reason.

If it leads people to a school where they charge a fortune for lessons and feeds them Kung Fu movie crap about defending against multiple attackers, then possibly yes.

I’m assuming by this you mean that Kung Fu is superior for street fighting because it has no rules? Then tell me this; how do you train these no-rules, MMA banned street effective techniques without maiming your training partner?

Would you perhaps need rules while training to avoid such injuries?

I’m no expert, but I’m guessing the same way soldiers have trained for years? drills and live exercises and the passing on of information and knowledge?

I’m just saying that the primary purpose of these military training sessions was to fight, but in a no rules environment where anything goes?

Is there anything wrong with wanting to train the same way now? Instead of having the ultimate purpose of getting into a sporting ring with big padded gloves on?

How do you train eye gouges and hair pulling and clawing in an alive manner? How do you know if you’re doing it right if you’re not actually doing it to a resisting opponent? How do you know it will have the desired effect if you’ve never done it for real?

How do you know you will be able to do any technique when the shit hits the fan and the adrenaline is pumping and you’re scared out of your mind if you can’t even do it in a controlled environment?

[quote=James_Darville;2428000]I’m no expert, but I’m guessing the same way soldiers have trained for years? drills and live exercises and the passing on of information and knowledge?


Sorry, once again Kung Fu doesn’t do this.

Where in Australia do you live James?

Its the other way around, when the locals have cleared all their competition in NZ they come over to Australia to be beaten by our young up and comers.

hides from Alex

back on topic though, what did you guys think of those 2 martial arts schools I posted in the first post? did anyone have a look at the websites?

Scam, Bullshido, Useless and Interpretive Dance are some key words that come to mind after looking at those websites and talking with people who’ve trained at those places.