kudo instructor punch student

  • a kudo intructor punch a student during a demonstration

kudo instructor punch student

What the hell?

kudo instructor punch student

What an asshole, i would not want to train with an instructor like that.

most likely he wanted to show how to follow through with a hook or something like that.
but by turning him over with his foot like the students is nothing more than dirt tells me enough,

kudo instructor punch student

Good to see the art of the motherfucking sucker punch is being passed from generation to generation.
Why the other students didn’t all jump up and say “what the fuck, man?” is beyond me.

IDK what the story behind that was, but if the sucker punch was as uncalled for as it appeared than I’d have to say that instructor needs to get sucker punched back…

…in the kneecap with a baseball bat.

they looked like they where like what the fuck, but didn’t dare to speak up.
or they thought it was cool, group mentallity can be quite fucked up in some cases.

[QUOTE=Mr. Machette;2729994]IDK what the story behind that was, but if the sucker punch was as uncalled for as it appeared than I’d have to say that instructor needs to get sucker punched back…

…in the kneecap with a baseball bat.[/QUOTE]Being old-school and all, I still gotta say what the fuck?? Even if there is some underlying issue between the instructor and student, that wasn’t the best way to handle it.

Flawless victory?

[QUOTE=slamdunc;2730053] Even if there is some underlying issue between the instructor and student, that wasn’t the best way to handle it.
Yeah, man. He even had the kid glove up and then cold cocked him barrenkuckly style?

Maybe there’s some angle I’m not seeing but for the life of me I can’t think of any way that wouldn’t be a complete dick move.

kudo instructor punch student

how do you know its a Kudo daido instructor?

Looks like someone forgot to raise his big toe and touch the roof of his mouth with his tongue.

[QUOTE=Permalost;2731738]Looks like someone forgot to raise his big toe and touch the roof of his mouth with his tongue.[/QUOTE]
BTW, are they russians? that looks like a russian “army like” demonstration. This guys … LOL. Hard core i guess.

Yeah, he Sucker Punched the student.

I wonder how many turned up for his next class…

kudo instructor punch student

I demand EVIDENCE that he is indeed a Kudo instructor

Anyone who does that to someone is a bully and a punk.


Skip to about 7:10