Kosen? I don't care but I will keep posting.

I love it when people say a school/art sucks without actually going to the actual school. Here is a very recent review of this place:


In addition, they have students who have recently (last 12 mo) won MMA fights in BRUTAAL (MMA org in MN/WI) and have students placed in grappling comps around the MN/WI area.

I personally have not trained there but everything I have heard is they are very legit. Yes, their website is less than exciting, the actual facility is not glossy, and they don’t send tons of competitors to the major grappling tournies in the area as they are a small school. But that is not a reason to completely bash the place. I have been to places with much more impressive facilities and websites, but the instruction and skill level of the students was sub-par.

I am no bjj world champ or anything, but I have spent about 2.5 years doing BJJ at what are considered the two best schools in this area and another 1.5 years of MT at these schools. I have also spent some time at mediocre schools so I believe I can give a good analysis of this place. I live close to the subject school and will be checking it out and will re post on this thread. I have taken about a year off from BJJ/MT, and looking to get back in. If this place is legit, I will go, regardless of the specific art.

[QUOTE=sampson!!!;2618725]I love it when people say a school/art sucks without actually going to the actual school. Here is a very recent review of this place:


In addition, they have students who have recently (last 12 mo) won MMA fights in BRUTAAL (MMA org in MN/WI) and have students placed in grappling comps around the MN/WI area.

I personally have not trained there but everything I have heard is they are very legit. Yes, their website is less than exciting, the actual facility is not glossy, and they don’t send tons of competitors to the major grappling tournies in the area as they are a small school. But that is not a reason to completely bash the place. I have been to places with much more impressive facilities and websites, but the instruction and skill level of the students was sub-par.

I am no bjj world champ or anything, but I have spent about 2.5 years doing BJJ at what are considered the two best schools in this area and another 1.5 years of MT at these schools. I have also spent some time at mediocre schools so I believe I can give a good analysis of this place. I live close to the subject school and will be checking it out and will re post on this thread. I have taken about a year off from BJJ/MT, and looking to get back in. If this place is legit, I will go, regardless of the specific art.[/QUOTE]

Like I wrote, they may well be competent instruction there, but please KOSEN JU JITSU?

That’s just a marketing ploy and or pure ignorance of what kosen means.

If they can really grapple and do a good job teaching, more power too them.

Let us know if you get there to check them out.

[QUOTE=sampson!!!;2618725]I love it when people say a school/art sucks without actually going to the actual school. Here is a very recent review of this place:

[/QUOTE]I love when people get all angry before reading the responses. Please quote were ANYONE said the school, art, students, or instructors sucked.

They made fun of the name and rightly so.

Others were bashing them, saying he is just a guy who went to a few seminars and another commented on begginer mistakes in still photos.

In regards to the Kosen part, I don’t know enough of the history of Judo/Jujitsu to comment, and I don’t really care. He’s just going

What is this? . . .

Looks like something the guy just made up. Pound to a penny its some generic Jiujitsu where the instructor has taken a few BJJ seminars and watched a UFC and is now trying to cash in on the BJJ/MMA scene.

If this isn’t bashing a place then what is?

That’s called commenting on a website. Again you said suck and bashing.


You do care otherwise, you wouldn’t be upset that people are “bashing” your school.

Also, do you know for fact they aren’t Kosen? As I said, I have no idea, but nobody can say for fact.

Is it not possible an air force vet stationed in occupied Japan could learn Kosen? Eventually find there way back to the states and teach?

I don’t know and neither doesn anyone on this thread. So I want say they are using the name “Kosen” wrongly.

[QUOTE=sampson!!!;2618748]What is this? . . .

Looks like something the guy just made up. Pound to a penny its some generic Jiujitsu where the instructor has taken a few BJJ seminars and watched a UFC and is now trying to cash in on the BJJ/MMA scene.

If this isn’t bashing a place then what is?[/QUOTE]

It’s speculation, a guess based on looking at the web site.

Also,it’s not bashing to comment on apparent level of technique observed in a video or photos, evenif the comment suggests a low level of skill or even outright silliness.

I read the review you linked to (thanks for that!).

Looking forward to a review, it should be posted in the reviews section of this website.

[QUOTE=sampson!!!;2618748]What is this? . . .

Looks like something the guy just made up. Pound to a penny its some generic Jiujitsu where the instructor has taken a few BJJ seminars and watched a UFC and is now trying to cash in on the BJJ/MMA scene.

If this isn’t bashing a place then what is?[/QUOTE]

Did you prove anything in that statement false? Do you have access to his actual BJJ ranks? Do you have access to his Judo rank?
[QUOTE=sampson!!!;2618751]Also, do you know for fact they aren’t Kosen? As I said, I have no idea, but nobody can say for fact.

You do know English right? The fact he put Looks mean it is an observation not a statement of fact.

Is it not possible an air force vet stationed in occupied Japan could learn Kosen? Eventually find there way back to the states and teach?

I don’t know and neither doesn anyone on this thread. So I want say they are using the name “Kosen” wrongly.[/QUOTE]

Wait I’m 100% certain you don’t care about Kosen.

For someone not training there snicker you sure have ready made reasons available to get angry at bashing that doesn’t exist.

Right, my school.

Never been there.

If it’s a comment, and not bashing, then it’s stupid and un-informed. You can spend 30 secs on their site and see the place has been around since the 50’s and using the word “Kosen” for some time. Not exactly cashing in on the recent “MMA Craze”. And also, with a tiny bit of research on their site, the guys has been doing more than just a few seminars.

It’s a little touchy for me because the owner/head instructor has very good rep around the cities and at other schools around here.

You do not see the irony or hypocrisy in your current line of reasoning do you? The worst thing on this thread is LOL@thedeadly.

When the Gracie’s said GJJ=Deadly and BJJ=Sport, after a loss to Matt Hughes, people LOL’d including GJJ students.

If they can take the comments, a guy WHO NEVER trained at the school needs to calm down.

[QUOTE=sampson!!!;2618751]Also, do you know for fact they aren’t Kosen? As I said, I have no idea, but nobody can say for fact.

Is it not possible an air force vet stationed in occupied Japan could learn Kosen? Eventually find there way back to the states and teach?

I don’t know and neither doesn anyone on this thread. So I want say they are using the name “Kosen” wrongly.[/QUOTE]

KOSEN is simply a modified ruleset of Kodokan Judo (the normal worldwide Judo) that allows for extended groundwork and pulling guard. It was practiced by the original 7 Japanese universities and their associated prep schools (as listed by judoka_UK in another post in this thread). Apparently some contests are held under this ruleset in Japan today, as I’ve seen some youtube videos of them.

There was never a Kosen JuJitsu, to my knowledge at least, so that is bascially a made up name.

You can come to my dojo and do “Kosen Judo” anytime. Nothing particularly special about it.

[QUOTE=sampson!!!;2619097] I have never set foot in the place.[/quote]Which is why I snickered at you and said you trained at the school. Also why I mentioned hypocrisy and irony.

Fine here is what you don’t see.
You got mad and then complained that people were judging something they never visited. Guess what you keep doing?
Judging something you have never visited.

Right, because judging them on competition results means nothing? Do you not see results speak more than anything else? Go to their FB site. One of their guys just won his no-gi division at a significant comp in Milwaukee. They have a couple guys that won fights as I documented. And I have seen the guys roll at high levels.

You guys criticizing their site (which is subpar, no doubt) could have done a simple google search on this place and found some of their guys in comps. You also could have spent a few minutes actually reading the content of their site rather than looking at the staged pictures and seen some legit lineage with judo (as the other guy noted in this thread).

So yes, I’m judging them on results and making an assumption the instruction is legit based on said results. You got me.

[QUOTE=sampson!!!;2619130]Right, because judging them on competition results is means nothing? Do you not see results speak more than anything else? Go to their FB site. One of their guys just won his no-gi division at a significant comp in Milwaukee. They have a couple guys that won fights as I documented. And I have seen the guys roll at high levels.[/quote]You need to get off the skill strawman. Why where did anyone says they sucked as you lied earlier? Where did I say that anywhere? Who said they had no skill?

You guys criticizing their site (which is subpar, no doubt) could have done a simple google search on this place and found some of their guys in comps.
I never criticized them at all so, lets get that correct. I criticized your overreaction. One person criticized the pictures. The others lol’ing at the use of Kosen Jujitsu.

Nope no mention of skill or lack thereof except by you.

You also could have spent a few minutes actually reading the content of their site rather than looking at the staged pictures and seen some legit lineage with judo (as the other guy noted in this thread).
Weird what everyone questioned was the Kosen Jujitsu claim. Do I really need to point out what else is on their website that backs judo_uk’s comment that has you so irritated and angry?

So yes, I’m judging them on results and making an assumption the instruction is legit based on said results. You got me.

Yes, and they have judged on their words and pictures. You both have judged and made assumptions without visiting the school no matter how you slice it.

So tell me. Is it better to judge the place when I haven’t been there but at least did some due diligence and witnessed some of the guys compete? Or, to judge the place without visiting and not even taking a few minutes to research the place even a little bit?

Suggesting a guy took a few seminars and then opened up a place to take advantage of the MMA craze is basically saying they are no good. Come on dude. You got me again, nobody said they “sucked”. Are you telling me some of those comments don’t suggest the place is no good? And do you not see your reaction to me is no different than my defense of the place?

Just trying to defend a legit place. I’m done with this one.

Are you trying to tell me that saying a guy took a few seminars and opened up a gym to take advantage of the mma craze isn’t strongly suggesting the place is no good? Once again you got me. The word suck wasn’t used. I’m red faced. Come on man, sure the comments strongly implied the place was no good. Give me a break.

And by the way, your posts who a bit more anger than mine.

Just trying to defend a legit place. I’m done with this one.

There is no better, you both are making assumptions. It is like people arguing white lie vs. any other lie. You want to argue philosophy go ahead.

My point is and was you are doing the same thing you bitched people out for when you angrily posted in the thread.

Does it make you anymore right for judging on assumptions? Nope.

You used videos and watched fights that makes you want to train there? Go ahead. Then type out a review.

And by the way, your posts who a bit more anger than mine.

I’m going to say a big no after this sentence.