Mann kinbo i think is the best bescuase he got on the web and did a little here and there all over it like lil wayne does to other people’ses records ya know?
Kimbo my cuuuuzin in real life… na for reel tho no homo.
that foo got laid out but fo sho he gon come back and he gon come back too strong for them boyz ta handle fo sho.
Okay, that’s the recycling method. If you’re more into altruism, you can puke into someone else’s. Believe it or not, there’s a recorded instance of this: just google “Egill Skallagrimsson”. This heathen-era Icelandic prodigy pinned a rival to a tavern wall and managed to spew chunkage into both the latter’s mouth and–for good measure–his nasal cavity as well.
Someone else’s bile and chunks…in your nasal cavity.
At this point, having read the above fragrant phrases, you type: “Thanks for sharing that, Vieux you fucking imbecile.”