Killboner question

This is a question for the military dudes on the site.

Inspired by watching the series ‘red vs blue’ I have a question -

Is there really such a thing as a killboner?!

Haven’t you seen Oprah?

Oprah has a killboner!? Where is it? Inside her large hair?

Oh, I thought you meant bonerkill.

nah the ideas that you get a spontaneous erection during combat or something (LOL).

that would be a pretty awkward situation in a martial arts class lol

I’ve had a wargasm but never a killboner.



Especially wearing a groin cup!

Steel Cup FTW!


Why do you think bullet holes are round?

Let me just say that, if your sensei explained “killboners” to you, especially while rolling, then you need another gym ASAP.

This is quite possibly the most pointless thread I have ever stumbled upon.
If there is a mod out there, please trollshido this thread as soon as possible.

Killjoy!!!or for some reason this makes you “up-tight”.


i think thats a trick question, DONT ANSWER IT!

Fuck if I know.

Spontaneous erections in fearful / stressful situations?

Yep. That can happen alright, but iuts usually only partial and very brief

Like when that fat lady sat on you in school?

i obtained, and maintained one while rolling with the one girl in our gym once, ya, that was awkward as hell, we still joke about it.

it was a complete killboner i swear, it had nothing to do with me being in her guard…

nothing at all…

i’m gonna go cry now