Kidspatula's Cousin is hot

Fucking sock monkey trying to be an ape retard, more like (no connection to you, good sir).

We got Obama here today in the UK, interesting to see what he’s like.

Apparently he’s been to Iraq and Afgan, once.

Lets not drag a thread from Trollshido over to Sociocide. I’ll leave this with saying that he’s got my vote.

well, he’d look more presidential if he stood on deck of a nice, big carrier

Shut up you faggot

well its true, p0mmi3

How many gays are their per population to hetro in San Francisco?

not enough, sweetie

Don’t mind Rock Ape, he just gets on here to relieve the combat fatigue…

In more serious news, Mr Jones knows where KidSpatula’s cousin is. If it were my cousin I’d warn her, but then her husband is a fucking behemoth anyway…

Yeah… I’ve seen a little combat


No, he didn’t.
He saw one act of Richard III, and thought it was a sequel…


are you still trying to figure out what it is, and where it grows?

Some day little buckeroo, someday…


is that right? you’re British an’all so you should know

oh and FFF: I know what pubic hair is


This is true. They say that North America is “The land of opportunity”. It must be. Where else could the village idiot get the opportunity to be president?

Seriously wheres Kidspatula. I bet she has sexual pictures of her cousin. She does live in the south after all.

I thought you were busy arguing with the BullshidoBots…

serge - Aussies generally don’t use the term ‘fanny’. We think you Yank tourists are weird carrying your fannypacks around.

Either way, I seriously doubt that Lily’s fanny (UK/Aus) or fanny (US) has hair on/around it.

So the topic is a moot point.

How about we keep on topic and talk about cousins?