Keysi Fighting Method: Ideal for Film?

From work search engine - no link I’m aware of, but may have missed it. Keysi is this. The one guy I’ve met who studied it seemed to know what he was doing, but thats a very limited sample so I can’t vouch for it (not to mention I’m a noob, so can’t judge anyway).

Rob breaks into world of movies
Newsquest Digital Media, 3rd February 2006

A Lye martial arts master is set to hit the silver screen in his next step towards stardom.

Rob Lock is one of ten Keysi black belts from across the UK selected by dynamic stunt duo Andy Norman and Justo Diegeuz to join their new dedicated squad who will soon be kicking and punching their way into forthcoming Hollywood blockbusters.

Rob is no stranger to the small screen after making the top three in Sky One’s search to find `Britain’s hardest’.

But after joining Norman and Diegeuz - founders of the latest craze Keysi Fighting Method - he could be called to make his big screen debut as a movie stuntman within months.

He said: “It’s so exciting that Andy and Justo are getting into this and taking me with them.”

As part of the deal, Rob, of Charnwood Close in Brierley Hill, will also be teaching Keysi abroad in places such as Japan, Australia, the USA and as many as 12 other countries.

Although the limelight is at last beckoning for the 45-year-old father-of-three, he will not be calling time-out on his flourishing martial arts academy in Dudley Road, Lye, believed to be the biggest of its kind in Europe.

He said: “I’ll only be away for a week or two at a time; I’ll still be taking regular classes here in Keysi, Thai boxing, Jeet Kune Do and Combat Submission Wrestling. Although I could be given just three days’ notice to hop on a plane.”

Rob, who regularly trains with Bruce Lee’s old pal Dan Inosanto, has spent the last four years learning the new mixed martial art moves with Norman and Dieguez.

The punch-packing pair from Hull have been developing the new fighting craze over the last decade but only recently has it caught the eye of Hollywood filmmakers.

As well as featuring in the recent Batman Begins flick, the duo have been choreographing combat scenes in the next Mission Impossible outing starring Tom Cruise.

And they are currently working on a movie with Leonardo Di Caprio in South Africa.

Meanwhile Andy can be seen playing a terrorist in big-screen blockbuster Munich - Steven Spielberg’s dramatisation of the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre in which 11 Israeli athletes were killed.

I believe that the guys in charge of the combat scenes in Batman Begins were also using this Keysi style as well…
I watched the feature on the dvd, seemed like a mishmash of various CMA and Aikido to me.

Also look into 52 blocks fighting system, this is a bunch of homeboys in the ghetto try to make some black martial art. LOL! Saying that in history slaves used to use it as a load of BS to also say it’s fighting in prison.
As I can see keysi fighting method in the videos of youtube, it appears to be very effective on the street, and also easy to learn for the way the techniques are. It uses lots of elbows, knees, headbutts and hammerfists. It looks like a combination of Muay Thai and Kali to me. Like most of it except for the headbutts.

It looks great in Batman Begins and Mission Impossible 3, but all the vids I’ve seen of it have been compliant demos, so I’m yet to relaly have an opinon other than “It looks pretty brutal. Just like Muay Boran. Too bad neither spar.”

The brains behind KFM were also ‘qualified’ JKD instructors, if memory serves, so they had prominent MA experience when they made it. I’m just not sure whether it’s the good kind of experience or not.

As I’m watching a promo vid or something on KFM, I notice several of their techniques basically walk you straight into guillotine and RNC chokes. Turn your back on a guy when your neck’s at his shoulder level and your back’s against his chest? Maybe not a good idea. And for guys who seemed to love working at clinch range they don’t seem to like takedowns or even serious grappling that much.

I was thinking of checking a class out to see what all the fuss is about but there doesn’t appear to be any in London

Why not go to the source? Bob Breen - from all I’ve read re their JKD background. :happy3:

Why bump (not directed at anybody but, the noob) a news article?

I mean, it would be fine if you added anything relevant.

waaaaah waaaaah waaaaah 52 Blocks is fake.

You too can become the Dark Knight. - No BS Martial Arts
Keysi fighting Method (From Dark Knight(Batman)) movie - No BS Martial Arts
Keysi Fighting Method - No BS Martial Arts
So what’s the consensus on Keysi Fighting Method? - No BS Martial Arts
Keysi Fighting Method - No BS Martial Arts