Did anyone see these videos? Shorenkenjitsu Kenpo is actually a great art. One of the best stand-up self defense arts out there. No Bullshido here. If you didn’t view the tapes, don’t comment on the system or how to get ranks and certifications through the system. Did you go to the website? Probably not, because if you did, you would see that the only way to use the honor method for testing and rank is if you already have a minimum of 1st degree black belt in another system. You need to present your credentials and the owner of the school calls and verifys them. If it checks out, then you can use the honor method. If not, you HAVE to test through video or in person.
The reason why you also see his stuff on ebay is because he is selling the entire school, plus websites and everything else. It’s all on his website if you want to check it out. And for those of you who think that you can’t learn martial arts through video, then I guess you can’t learn from reading books either. What a waste the whole printing press idea was!! That would also mean that you can’t learn from online programs at almost every college and university out there including Harvard, Duke, Boston University, New York University and so on…please. There is no magic to the martial arts that it can’t be learned over video. Stop hating people, especially if you have no idea what you’re talking about.
[QUOTE=Bulldog1;2597915]Did anyone see these videos? Shorenkenjitsu Kenpo is actually a great art. One of the best stand-up self defense arts out there. No Bullshido here. If you didn’t view the tapes, don’t comment on the system or how to get ranks and certifications through the system. Did you go to the website? Probably not, because if you did, you would see that the only way to use the honor method for testing and rank is if you already have a minimum of 1st degree black belt in another system. You need to present your credentials and the owner of the school calls and verifys them. If it checks out, then you can use the honor method. If not, you HAVE to test through video or in person.
The reason why you also see his stuff on ebay is because he is selling the entire school, plus websites and everything else. It’s all on his website if you want to check it out. And for those of you who think that you can’t learn martial arts through video, then I guess you can’t learn from reading books either. What a waste the whole printing press idea was!! That would also mean that you can’t learn from online programs at almost every college and university out there including Harvard, Duke, Boston University, New York University and so on…please. There is no magic to the martial arts that it can’t be learned over video. Stop hating people, especially if you have no idea what you’re talking about.[/QUOTE]
Must have been a lightly modded forum back in 2006, because I don’t see any reason this thread is MABS-worthy; especially not 5 years later.
[QUOTE=Bulldog1;2597915]Did anyone see these videos? Shorenkenjitsu Kenpo is actually a great art. One of the best stand-up self defense arts out there. No Bullshido here. If you didn’t view the tapes, don’t comment on the system or how to get ranks and certifications through the system. Did you go to the website? Probably not, because if you did, you would see that the only way to use the honor method for testing and rank is if you already have a minimum of 1st degree black belt in another system. You need to present your credentials and the owner of the school calls and verifys them. If it checks out, then you can use the honor method. If not, you HAVE to test through video or in person.
The reason why you also see his stuff on ebay is because he is selling the entire school, plus websites and everything else. It’s all on his website if you want to check it out. And for those of you who think that you can’t learn martial arts through video, then I guess you can’t learn from reading books either. What a waste the whole printing press idea was!! That would also mean that you can’t learn from online programs at almost every college and university out there including Harvard, Duke, Boston University, New York University and so on…please. There is no magic to the martial arts that it can’t be learned over video. Stop hating people, especially if you have no idea what you’re talking about.[/QUOTE]
How would you like to be operated on by a surgeon who had only ever read about it in books and seen a couple of DVDs?
Perhaps you think it would be alright to issues driver’s licenses to anyone who has played Gran Turismo. Or lifeguard qualifications to anyone that has seen Baywatch.
Do you seriously think you could train for boxing match by watching videos and reading about it? Maybe a useful supplement but never a replacement of good instruction with a person who can observe, correct and physically demonstrate how a technique feels. These are things that cannot be conveyed in any other way than in person. And how the hell do you spar with a book?
[QUOTE=Grey Owl;2597939]How would you like to be operated on by a surgeon who had only ever read about it in books and seen a couple of DVDs?
Perhaps you think it would be alright to issues driver’s licenses to anyone who has played Gran Turismo. Or lifeguard qualifications to anyone that has seen Baywatch.
Do you seriously think you could train for boxing match by watching videos and reading about it? Maybe a useful supplement but never a replacement of good instruction with a person who can observe, correct and physically demonstrate how a technique feels. These are things that cannot be conveyed in any other way than in person. And how the hell do you spar with a book?[/QUOTE]
Bullshit, there are exceptions to every rule and the martial arts isn’t one of them. Read my post again. No one ever said it’s BETTER then live instruction, just an alternative. Of course doctors are different, but guess what, yes you can train for your drivers license by playing games, it’s called a simulator. That’s how airline pilots begin. They aren’t just thrown in the cockpit of a plane and told “good luck!!!” Same with driving. If you’re unable to learn martial arts from a video then I’m sorry, you’re not very bright. Is it better to learn in person, of course. But if I can’t learn an art because there is no one by me teaching it, what’s wrong with the DVD’s?? Nothing. Also, if you think that the “correct foot placement and technique” can only be gained from live instruction, then you’re wrong. A good instructor will break down everything regarding every technique. That’s how you learn it in class, by watching the instructor break everything down then doing it for yourself. And as for your comment, what about sparring??? I’m sorry if you have no friends or family that will help you out, but the majority of us can find SOMEONE to train with…But I guess ignorance is bliss, right?
[QUOTE=Bulldog1;2597946]Bullshit, there are exceptions to every rule and the martial arts isn’t one of them. Read my post again. No one ever said it’s BETTER then live instruction, just an alternative. Of course doctors are different, but guess what, yes you can train for your drivers license by playing games, it’s called a simulator. That’s how airline pilots begin. They aren’t just thrown in the cockpit of a plane and told “good luck!!!” Same with driving. If you’re unable to learn martial arts from a video then I’m sorry, you’re not very bright. Is it better to learn in person, of course. But if I can’t learn an art because there is no one by me teaching it, what’s wrong with the DVD’s?? Nothing. Also, if you think that the “correct foot placement and technique” can only be gained from live instruction, then you’re wrong. A good instructor will break down everything regarding every technique. That’s how you learn it in class, by watching the instructor break everything down then doing it for yourself. And as for your comment, what about sparring??? I’m sorry if you have no friends or family that will help you out, but the majority of us can find SOMEONE to train with…[/quote]Stupid.
But I guess ignorance is bliss, right?
After reading your terrible analogies you are absolutely correct. You have bliss oozing out your ears.
After reading your terrible analogies you are absolutely correct. You have bliss oozing out your ears.[/QUOTE]
So let me get this straight. No one thinks that you can learn the martial arts from a DVD? So if there is an art that I want to learn that isn’t being taught near me, I can’t possibly learn it from a DVD, is that what you’re saying?
[QUOTE=Bulldog1;2597985]So let me get this straight. No one thinks that you can learn the martial arts from a DVD? So if there is an art that I want to learn that isn’t being taught near me, I can’t possibly learn it from a DVD, is that what you’re saying?[/QUOTE]
Yes. Now please stop before you kill someone with your stupidity. Failing that do us all a favour and take a DVD course in sky diving.
[QUOTE=Bulldog1;2597985]So let me get this straight. No one thinks that you can learn the martial arts from a DVD? So if there is an art that I want to learn that isn’t being taught near me, I can’t possibly learn it from a DVD, is that what you’re saying?[/QUOTE]
Let me get this right, you think instruction from a class and a simulator is the same as learning DVD martial arts?
[QUOTE=It is Fake;2597993]Let me get this right, you think instruction from a class and a simulator is the same as learning DVD martial arts?[/QUOTE]
No, not at all. I never said it was. Class instruction is obviously better. It’s what I’ve been doing for a very long time. But why should I not be able to practice or even learn about an art that isn’t taught near me? That just doesn’t make sense. Kelly McCann teaches his form of Comabtives to government agencies only. Being a civilian, I have no access to his teachings…unless I get one of his DVD’s. Should I not be able to watch his DVD because he doesn’t teach by me, or any civilians at all for that reason (unless he personally invites them). Same with the Gracie’s. No Gracie school close to where I live. Should I not learn about them or their art by watching the DVD? I’m not saying I would be the next best thing in that art, but there is no reason why I can’t learn about it.
[QUOTE=Bulldog1;2597915]you would see that the only way to use the honor method for testing and rank is if you already have a minimum of 1st degree black belt in another system. You need to present your credentials and the owner of the school calls and verifys them. If it checks out, then you can use the honor method. If not, you HAVE to test through video or in person. [/QUOTE]
It is very ignorant to think that a 1st degree black belt in one style means something in a different style.
[QUOTE=Bulldog1;2597997]No, not at all. I never said it was. Class instruction is obviously better. It’s what I’ve been doing for a very long time. But why should I not be able to practice or even learn about an art that isn’t taught near me? That just doesn’t make sense. Kelly McCann teaches his form of Comabtives to government agencies only. Being a civilian, I have no access to his teachings…unless I get one of his DVD’s. Should I not be able to watch his DVD because he doesn’t teach by me, or any civilians at all for that reason (unless he personally invites them). Same with the Gracie’s. No Gracie school close to where I live. Should I not learn about them or their art by watching the DVD? I’m not saying I would be the next best thing in that art, but there is no reason why I can’t learn about it.[/QUOTE]
Is this where I begin the semantics debate?
If so:
First, I want you to look up the words mimic or mimicking.
Then I want you to look up the word instruction.
Then I want you to look up the word semantics.
[QUOTE=Ignorami;2598001]^It’s right here^
You can learn about an art from a DVD.
That is different from learning an art from a DVD.[/QUOTE]
After all of that, tell me if you now understand ^^^this post.
[QUOTE=It is Fake;2598005]Is this where I begin the semantics debate?
If so:
First, I want you to look up the words mimic or mimicking.
Then I want you to look up the word instruction.
Then I want you to look up the word semantics.
After all of that, tell me if you now understand ^^^this post.[/QUOTE]
I give up, that’s all I can say…tapping out, waiving the white flag here. I believe one thing, you believe another. I’m not here to change anyone’s mind. If you think that martial arts “instruction” holds no value whatsoever on DVD, then fine. I respectfully disagree. Thanks for the spirited debate though.
Answer me one question though, without being nasty and in all honesty. If martial arts “instruction” holds little to no value on DVD or tape whatsoever, how come just about every famous name in the martial arts is putting out “insturctional” programs together and selling them? Besides the monetary rewards, if some people in the martial arts community feel that the rank or instruction obtained through video is not worth the paper it’s printed on, or the disc it’s printed on, then why are they doing it and possibly jeopordizing their good reputations? This is an honest question I am asking.
[QUOTE=Bulldog1;2597997]Nwhy should I not be able to practice or even learn about an art that isn’t taught near me? [/QUOTE]
If you wanted to learn something that wasn’t taught near you, why pick Shorenkenjitsu Kenpo?
[QUOTE=Bulldog1;2598032]I give up, that’s all I can say…tapping out, waiving the white flag here. I believe one thing, you believe another. I’m not here to change anyone’s mind. If you think that martial arts “instruction” holds no value whatsoever on DVD, then fine. I respectfully disagree. Thanks for the spirited debate though.[/quote]We haven’t debated because I never answered your question.
Answer me one question though, without being nasty and in all honesty. If martial arts “instruction” holds little to no value on DVD or tape whatsoever, how come just about every famous name in the martial arts is putting out “insturctional” programs together and selling them?
See this is you trying to debate with a ready made argument. You are using poor logic to try and WIN a debate. How about you ask a question instead of being derisive and condescending by putting words in my mouth?
Once you stop with the arrogance and shitty analogies we can discuss this in a rational manner. Yes, passive aggressive insults are being nasty.