Freinds I would like to know what your pet peavea are that pertain to what “Martial Artists” do or say.
Myself I have 2 that really bother me:
“Back in the day”, especially when they are talking about their own training.
“I have been training off and on since” blah…blah , what in the hell does thay meen? you trained for a couple years then took 5 off then trained for a couple more then took 5 more off, I think the better way of saying that is " I have dabbled in the MA since (whenever)
As a Military man myself I understand that the truth is not normally told to us, but I think it is mis-leading in the way that we dont know if it was more off than on.
People who want to do MA without putting in the hours.
Students and instructors who want to say something works without testing it. I’ve had people tell me that a technique wasn’t working…literally while they couldn’t get out of it.
People’s misunderstanding of the difference between Kihon-kamais/simple training-kamais used to work out the legs and actual fighting stances.
I’ve actually heard from a guy that trains MMA that he found the whole style “unrealistic” because “the fighting stance was too low and wouldn’t work in a real fight”. Well either, you were doing Kihon, or your instructor is an moron.
We have heard your so-called explanations before. The staff & moderators of these forum are not MMA nutriders, but people who have trained so-called TMA for years. Many have high dan ranks.
Unless your last name is Itosu, chances are your explanation of what kata, or kamae, or this or that is nothing new to us.
So when we dismiss what you have to say, it is not out of ignorance, but rather because we find it lacking evidence, reason, or sense.
Overemphasis on kata. I know they’re traditional and cute and shit, but I did nothing but them for a solid year in Shorin-ryu and now even the thought of prearranged motions instead of live training makes me want to vomit and start crying.
Not enough assorted patches and decorations for my gi; I want to be like the BJJ and Tae Kwon Do guys and train looking like I used to participate in NASCAR , as the car.