Karate Instructor Offered Plea Deal In Sex Abuse Case
Pair Would Serve 15 Years Under Offer
LOUISVILLE – A local karate instructor accused of sexually abusing his students was offered a plea deal Wednesday.
Richard Woodard, 38, and his girlfriend, Lori Franklin, both were offered 15 years in prison in exchange for guilty pleas, WLKY NewsChannel 32 reported Wednesday.
Police said Woodard sexually abused five students at his in-home karate studio.
Franklin is accused of either participating or watching the abuse occur, WLKY reported.
Each has until the end of the week to accept the offer.
If they don’t take the deal, the prosecutor could add four additional charges to the grand jury. A trial would begin next month.
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It is once again a damn shame to see those in a position of power and respect abuse their powers. Parents have to be ever vigilant as to who and where they take their children to. This type of news just saddens me and it is a firm reminder of what we must fight against.