i was throwing dem hands like tyson and dropped the motha
wots the best martial art for streetfights i wanna learn em to be the baddest motha on the streets
i was throwing dem hands like tyson and dropped the motha
wots the best martial art for streetfights i wanna learn em to be the baddest motha on the streets
You’re a fucking idiot.
In this order…learn to read, learn to use the search button, learn to spell.
Oh…and come back when puberty hits.
…I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say your either a troll or a moron.
Although on account of my own stupidity it may be neither.
And in the event this is a serious question, i shall attempt to give a serious answer.
There is no ‘best’ martial art. There are some that are more practical for a given situation then others. And what would be ‘best’ for you would depend on how you fight, your body type and your natural ability.
What are you good at doing? There will no doubt be a martial art to accomodate that strength. But, it’s all useless without realistic training remember that part it’s the most important.
And if this is a troll…I dunno…i’ll let the more experienced members rate the troll job and give you the flaming you have coming.
Edit: Damn someone beat me to the punch, thought i’d get first post. Ah well, and…i agree with what Bwerb said as well
I’m sure he did.
The answer I think for you would be American Tae Kwon Do Association style TKD.
You learning that style would make your neighborhood a safer place.
why u tryin to set homeboy up? LMAo
This is a good question that can only be answered by fighting practicioners of each martial art you wish to study. After defeating them all you will see streetfighting is the best ‘martial art’ and there is no need to change. Also, buy a gun.
Winning a streetfight is like beating the final boss in any video game. You no longer have to train AT ALL because you are badass.
Hmm if you’re beating people up on the streets, why do you want to learn martial arts? Get your ass kicked a few times, humble yourself, then train brazilian jiu jitsu.
Don’t listen to him. Martial arts will just hinder your outward growth! Just keep fighting!
Did your red headed sister know she was in StR33t Fite Komrade Jakoph? Why you want to fight your sister anyway? Trying to fix her hairlip or was she watching you punch your little clown again through keyhole in door? Next time I rekommend at least fighting 5 year old brother… at least he has nine fingers and both legs!
That’s the worst imitation of ebonics I’ve ever seen. :bs:
If that’s how you talk in real life, dude, then God help you. Who the heck are you? Chris Rock??? :bduh:
But, if you wrote that crap intentionally, maybe you can try saying “my momma always said…”. Somehow I think it would come natural from you… :tard:
Stop making jokes guys this dude’s alright, seriously if you wanna know what the best style do a google for “Yellow Bamboo” and hook up with the closest training group. That stuff really fucks people up and is banned in the UFC because its too deadly. I sparred with a guy who did that shit and I couldn’t touch him.
Sammy said it best
All i have to say to this thread is
YA RLY!!!1
my fucking head is going to explode if i read this shit any more, how stupid can people be
Do we get to throw chicken bones and stick needles in dolls with that???