American Kenpo or Japanese Shotokan .
If everything was equal such as good qualified instructors .
just curious .:angel7:
American Kenpo or Japanese Shotokan .
If everything was equal such as good qualified instructors .
just curious .:angel7:
Why did you start this thread in the JMA forum?
When everything else is equal, fat people use more soap.
Ah, but if rendered fat people would also MAKE more soap.
Cause Im trying to decide between Shotokan and Kenpo , Theyre both good schools , im having a hard time deciding , and its been 13 years since I last practiced .
Can someone add this, in pink letters, under his name?
I think someone’s penis is itchy. Trollshido!!!
I see its very hard to get straight answers ,
And tend to be funnier without screwing things up by living past their prime:
/tasteless comment of the day
But you haven’t answered my question yet. You think you did, but you have not.
Why did you start the thread in the JMAs forum? Do you think your explanation provided a good reason for doing so?
Do you pay attention to the forum’s intended purpose whenever you make a new thread? Give the courtesy to pay more fucking attention where the motherfuck you make your threads and maybe people will give you the courtesy of straight answers.
Didnt your mom used to wash your potty mouth out with soap :qgreenjum
Didnt your mom used to wash your potty mouth out with soap :qgreenjum[/QUOTE]
Ahhh, the pedestrian attempt at comedy via ad hominems and strawmans. Can’t acknowledge he’s a fucktard who doesn’t pay attention if he’s creating a thread in the correct forum. So instead he tries to be cute and funny. How pretty.
Nope. Mommy didn’t wash my mouth with soap for calling a tard a tard. If the label suits you, wear it. If you don’t like the label, then change yourself so that it doesn’t apply to you anymore.
U hurt my feelings wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:byewhore:
ok Sensei , what forum should it be oh great exhalted one. :thebirdma
for a martial arts forum , there is alot of lack of humility , if you guys are instructors acting like street urchins , your schools must really be great (NOT)
So your big argument is my choosing wrong forum , STOP SWEATING THE SMALL STUFF .
Sigh, Mate, when you waltzed onto this site did you stop to read the FAQ’s stickied in each forum? Did you not read the big blinking letters at the top of the screen?
This kind of thread should go in Newbietown or Guantanamo bay, go there now and read the stickies. And when answering back to people, trying to appear polite and honest would go a long way. Instead you come across like a troll and an asshole. People like you get e-raped on here every other day. This isn’t a nice site, we dont do grasshoppers and go easy on newbies in the wild. This is an MA forum, a Fight forum.
Have fun with that.
I could take it , I got a thick skin but thanks for the heads up , I didnt think it was that inappropriate to post on this forum ,
if you read the reasons why ,
Im torn between japanese shotokan and a kenpo school , whats the big fucking deal if someone with Shotokan experience tells me why they think shotokan is better.
You fuckers fret the small stuff. :5propelle
We want to make sure MODERATED forums stay on topic. The JMA forum is not the place for tards to ask about what arts to study. It seems that this is beyond your comprehension, or you are simply trying to be obstuse for incredibly fucking stupid reasons.
If we didn’t fret for the “small stuff” as you call it, the threads devoted to history, research and technique would be a clusterfuck polluted by turds left behind by every single retarded fuck that is incapable of reading instructions.
Go to YMAS or the Guanatanamo sections (or newbietown section if you have never created an introductory thread) and ask the question there.
You miss the point. The style forums are for discussing styles and thier effectivness. Not for Noobs to say ‘convince me’ and for everyone to serve you hand and foot. Newbietown is set up for just this. If you want advice and help then that is the place to go. You should also like the schools websites if you want us to be able to understand your desicion at all.
As i said before, before you post again go to Newbietown and read the stickies. Then read all the other forum stickies. If you’re unsure about where to put something, post it in Newbietown.
Edit* Damn, beaten to niceness by El Macho!
ok question withdrawn .
Besides most of you are BJJ stylists who probably don’t know much about Shotokan or Kenpo
Now mind you I think BJJ is cool
LOL, dead wrong.
Current BJJ stylist with 3 years of Kempo training. I was an excellent kempoka, and not afraid to say so by the way.
I’ve been reading your posts man, I’m here to help.
What town do you live in? What schools are in the area? Name the schools. Don’t just say “a kempo school”. Is it Shaolin Self Defense Centers? USSD? United Karate Academy? You get the point.