Just cleaning up some I'm a lyin' gunk in an FSD thread ...

Hey fang shen do black belt, you wanna challenge me ?

His Reply :
you seem to have a big mouth on the net, did u ever actually go do a class?
You say you want to arrange a fight with a black belt… i just happen to be one of them! its good to comment if you have a previous experience, i can give u one if u want

Awaiting reply, his screen-name is Rollin2007777 on youtube and is claiming his fang shen do is superior to all other MA styles.

I read this thread earlier and i admit some of the stories were funny and i watched a fang shen do, just seems like wing chun repackaged + some fancy high kicks ?

FSD actually doesn’t have many “fancy kicks”. maybe you can start a thread in YMAS.

More from the black belt FDS

I’ve been contacted more from the FDS black belt claiming that wing chun kung fu itself in an art sucks and also claiming he would like me to be his training partner. These are some messages in themselves from him, he claims to be one of the top guys and is also in the FSD video on youtube.

Message 1
Not really. Not even close. just wing chun sucks ass. some concepts are ok and we still do trapping drills and energy drills for the sole purpose of practicing fast and explosive hands. thats it. It’s not for application. it’s to make your combinations fast, explosive and powerful. We work alot of wrestling throws and pins. lots of chokes. clinch. lots and lots of punch and kick combos! We fight to win and thats it!

what you see in a “demo” and what you see in a real fight will be very different!! If we only do the stuff that we would do for a real fight. It would always be the same 10 to 15 moves done very violently! Which is not a crowd pleaser. If you want to know who i am, I’m the guy in the demo doing the flashy kicks. and no thats not all I can do. and no thats not what i would do to defend myself! it’s a demo dude! I have some more videos coming up soon of us in training! which is the stuff that is more for application! cuz its not a demo!

Message 2
which FSD guys have you practiced with? If you have trained with some of my basics or students training under 1 year, and you’ve been training lets say 4 years well theres probably going to be a diffrence!! and like any other system, not every single person in the club is a super fast, trained killer. some are, but few people train for that purpose! so for you to put everyone in the same boat, makes no sense.

lets take Kung lee for example, from K1, pride. has 500 students, and he admits to having 15 that can really defend themselves!! Most people are there to get in shape, feel younger, feel more confident and better about themselves.

When your videos come out, send them my way! I’d rather make a training partner than a competition! competition will be 1 meeting and training will be multiple meetings! and there’s more benefits that way

your original style was wing chun. now it’s boxing what gives?

and where did you get those quotes?

You are an FSD practioner, those quotes were from one of your top black belts messaging in youtube saying he wanted to meet to do sparring.

Wing chun was my primary first art i practiced, Wing Chun at its core is about striking in a most efficient manner, and close range work. It’s all about striking in a straight line…the most efficient path. I am not a fan of high kicks, or too much moving around, which is why wing chun caught my eye in the first place. Wing Chun has some extraordinarily effective techniques for streetfighting. Wing chun is a practical art. Once again wing chun is about simplicity and easiest and effective method of ending a street fight, FSD has admitted to using this. Boxing is more of a competitive sport.

I’m merely judging prehand what i saw was modified wing chun added with some flashy kicks.

I will rather enjoy seeing how good your FSD black belt sifu is when we spar.

What is your current location assuming you are somewhere in Canada, Fangar ?

Oh goodness, you were doing so well…


you obviously haven’t followed this thread(s) much. i’m an EX fanger, despite my nick. i’m now a proud BJJ white belt.

and links to those youtube quotes please. and go ahead and spar with them by all means. FSD have been opening up more and more to the “competition” avenue, so i’m sure you’ll be more than welcome there. check on facebook too, one of the school instructors did call out for friendly match ups.

just do it in a friendly sparring manner, not that weird animosity that happened with AnnaT and Omar in YMAS.

Alright, who had street vs sport AND iamachunner?

As it seems, once again you are the inexperinced idiot, Fanger and yes FSD has a belt system hence why one of there practioners were bragging about them, you moron.

Wing Chun is a practical art for self-defence, the true essence of Wing Chun is not in its simplicity but in its execution with lighting speed. Chi sao develops sensitivity of the hands so that the practitioner can sense when his opponent will make a move without having to detect any physical motion. Pak sao teaches the practitioner how to convert the blitzing speed of automatic reflex actions into a defensive or offensive hand form and developing simultaneous multiple awareness. Therefore i believe that the FSD members are arragont regardless of whether you defend it or not. Hence why wing chun uses simple short range simultaneous hand techniques. Wing chun is a simple yet logical, practical art.

It seems once again, i am right and you are wrong.

For crying out fucking loud people we’re being trolled by a _ing _unner and a sock puppet…

Both of you fuck off and get your own thread in YMAS. This is about the ‘inner circle’ not some circle jerk over who’s style of useless Kung Fu works best.


you win wheee. now please go to YMAS. you should be in your element there.