Just because I know, everyone should know

My friend, forgive me if I am wrong. If you are a parent, are your kid happy? Are their need for
skill satisfied?? If so stop the question about who is or isnt a real Shihan. I am a black belt in Traditional karate, Shihan’s in our country acknowledge my experience. You know some people might claim to be masters, who care. The true master of the arts doesnt boast about himself or accomplishments. His art is demonstrated in the dojo.

In the South African Martial Arts community we know who is fake and who is not. We have our own methods of downgrading these people. And public disgrace is not one of them.Usually a shihan will have a few clubs resorting under his/her guidance and his own club will mainly consist of a few chosen black belts. That is my own experience anyway.

If you are unhappy, remove your kid and go and pester some other instructor.

Ha ha The Blackdragon Dojo or school or what they might call it is less than 1km from my house. Maybe I should pay them a visit. I would like to see what is a poison hand??? Ha Ha ha fake can be fun, dont you think. Maybe I should market myself as Crazy Monkey Sifu.

In Afrikaans die ouens dink almal is dof. Ninjutsu meester lyk my word jy as jy n giwapen koop.

If I wear a Karate Gi full off fleamarket badges, may I proclaim myself SOKE, or Grandmaster??
Please somone, say yes… I only want permission.

It seems like this is the sort off procedure followed by the above individuals.

Good lord really? You obviously don’t police your own. People in many countries, including yours, have the RIGHT to ask questions.

If you are unhappy, remove your kid and go and pester some other instructor.
If YOU are unhappy, remove yourself from the thread and go pester another forum.

[QUOTE=Ciano.Dench;2555173]If I wear a Karate Gi full off fleamarket badges, may I proclaim myself SOKE, or Grandmaster??
Please somone, say yes… I only want permission.

It seems like this is the sort off procedure followed by the above individuals.[/QUOTE]

This is seems entirely at odds with your other post regarding Paul Cave. Explain.

[QUOTE=Ciano.Dench;2555164]My friend, forgive me if I am wrong. If you are a parent, are your kid happy? Are their need for
skill satisfied?? If so stop the question about who is or isnt a real Shihan. I am a black belt in Traditional karate, Shihan’s in our country acknowledge my experience. You know some people might claim to be masters, who care. The true master of the arts doesnt boast about himself or accomplishments. His art is demonstrated in the dojo.

In the South African Martial Arts community we know who is fake and who is not. We have our own methods of downgrading these people. And public disgrace is not one of them.Usually a shihan will have a few clubs resorting under his/her guidance and his own club will mainly consist of a few chosen black belts. That is my own experience anyway.

If you are unhappy, remove your kid and go and pester some other instructor.[/QUOTE]

The major issue being experienced here is specifically BJJ related. Since BJJ is such a young art in South Africa, there is no local body to verify BJJ rank and its up to those who have a valid BJJ rank to oust the fakes. Unfortunately this has happened before (http://www.10thplanetjj.com/threads/1129-How-do-we-Handle-Professional-Jelousy - read Eddie’s comment about half way down) with another local school.

If you have a karate/kickboxing rank then claim to be a karate/kickboxing instructor and no one looses. But don’t claim to be able to teach BJJ without any proper BJJ rank.

If you have a look at the following website www.blackdragon.co.za
, please look at the credentials of the Grandmasters involved. Personally I reason that it take years of training before I might have a 10th Dan in a system. The individuals mentioned on this website have !0th DAN, 9th Dan etc in quite a number of Fighting styles. In my opinion it doesn’t matter how gifted you are as an athlete, it is just impossible to master all those styles in one lifetime.

Some of the badges on their martial arts clothing is commercially sold in my country. Some Martial Arts schools use them to motivate kids.

True. There is MAASA, in South Africa. This is the governing body of All Martial Art Styles. Why don’t you follow the matter with them?

I am sure the Chairman of MAASA will be able to help. All legit organisations, Styles, instructors and their credentials have to be registered.

That is my opinion.

Registered does not mean legit. In other words, “all organizations, styles, instructors and their credentials have to be registered.” It is up to the consumer to determine and research if they are legit.

That is what happened in this thread.

I might be wrong, but as far as I am aware MAASA do not take any bullshit. They follow linage and credentials to the end. Also if you say you are a JJ instructor you have to be affiliated to the specific block under MAASA. If I teach Karate, I do teach my students some JJ, but I do not claim to be a JJ instructor. If I claim in public to be a qualified JJ instructor, my club have to be recognized by MAASA. Only Style Heads and instructors with legit credentials will be accepted by MAASA

For record purposes I do not know any JJ, nor teach my students techniques I am not qualified to do.

My recommendation is that you should contact the President of MAASA and mention your concerns to him. This will sort out all issues and not make this forum another gossip column. It seems like all allegations is made and defended and reissued again. No real action is taken in resolving the issues.

My recommendation is you read the rules and learn how to post. If you don’t like the “gossip” then don’t post. I always love when people get upset and start complaining about a website. The situation was resolved and people acting just like you, who get upset, keep posting in this thread.

You do realize this is an international website?

MAASA means nothing to anyone outside of South Africa. Name the so called full name of the organization or stop complaining.

He has no BJJ credentials, the potential student went somewhere else, and that is the end of the story. Anyone reading the thread can see that the organization has not done anything to produce verifiable evidence to the contrary.

Again registered does not mean legit.

No my friend I am not upset, nor am I complaining. That was my advice to the person complaining. I never defended the accused, just made it clear that alternative measures exist to get to the bottom of the problem/issue.

Yes I know that this is an International website, and MAASA is an abbreviation which means nothing for you as an international colleague of Martial Arts. Thus my suggestion was also not meant for you, but for those individuals who really want to resolve the issue at hand. Or even for future issues which might arise.

No harm meant.


Cool since you do not understand the rules of this forum goodbye. If you are going to name organizations it is silly to think everyone, including people in your country new to martial arts, knows what you are talking about.

If you can’t name or help with the thread, stay out of that particular sub-forum.


I have followed this threat with interest, I am just as tired of people having credentials that no one else can verify, or when verified it is not accredited by any one, as these martial artists normaly has the big dojo’s as they have the belts and the say? Its good expose them…it is about time some one does.

[QUOTE=Ciano.Dench;2555588]True. There is MAASA, in South Africa. This is the governing body of All Martial Art Styles. Why don’t you follow the matter with them?

Do you mean these guys:

Yes, but when I went onto their website earlier I realized they can not help. Thought they can resolve the issue. Seem I am wrong.

It seem that anyone now can claim to instruct whatever they want.

That is so sad.

[QUOTE=Ciano.Dench;2555700] Thus my suggestion was also not meant for you, but for those individuals who really want to resolve the issue at hand. Or even for future issues which might arise.

No harm meant.

Ciano[/QUOTE]Oops your hedging didn’t work did it? Hope that crow tastes good.