Just a lil funny


Just for the record, posting links without commentary is kinda banned here. SO, please don’t do that again

For the record guys, this the Penny Arcade strip in honor of the new Ninja Gaiden game.

And it is funny.

Lol… Shinigami-kun…

Despite it being funny…you must sacrifice this one in order to make an example and keep the rest of the troops in line.

I just fucking forgot to move it, MY FUCKING SHOULDER INJURY WAS DISTRACTING ME.


Holy Shit that is funny.

Damn. I think this is the first time it was worthwile to come into Trollshido.

Just think of it: all the other times you’ve been into Duffistan–worthless episodes one and all–are moments in your one-and-only mortal existence that you’ll never get back again.

Gone. Down the entropic drain. Forever.

Damn, but it’s a beautiful day.