I thought this article was an interesting article to post up. I let you guys read it for yourselves. :XXking:
I am an Idiot. I am sorry for this post, I misunderstood the format of this article. I thought it was a forum post and that this gentleman was suggesting that Jigaro Kano was a fraud in some way. I have reread it and now realize that i am an idiot.
Thanks for the post Freddy
Well, Kano hand picked the some of the best fighters of the day, but even still, to have had the kind of success that he did have is exceptional. The only other possibility is that he put them in against people who he new were not up to the challenge; otherwise, the out come he had was phenomenal and a testament to his ability as a trainer or at least a testament to his ability to discern who the best fighters were. Any way you cut it, Kano is definitely one of the sharper men in MA history.
Planktime, the questions posed in the article are rhetorical.
The author is repeating common asseritions found in books on ju-jutsu and then demonstrating that they are not true.
I guess i should re read it
Ok i will look further into this it is very likely i am off base on this subject.