Gotcha covered, man.
PS: It’s either sensei or sifu, you can’t be Japanese and Chinese. Choose one and stick to it.
Edit: Unless you’re biracial of course, in which case, go ahead.
Gotcha covered, man.
PS: It’s either sensei or sifu, you can’t be Japanese and Chinese. Choose one and stick to it.
Edit: Unless you’re biracial of course, in which case, go ahead.
there also is no conclusive proof that there isnt a colony of nymphomaniacs on the dark side of the moon with their genitalias stuck on their foreheads.
Still im not betting my money there is sucha colony.
Governments avoid the illiterate
Style: undecided
Hey gg…is this your art or sexual orientation?
i think it would be his gender actually.
one of those guys with a little sign on his groin area: ‘WARNING! do not pop this zit,must evolve in penis!’
Fuck off with all the WC/WT bashing.
Typical Jock attitude.
Ok so the dude looks a little ridiculous. (Love the Braces!)
But the guy is 62 years old and still looks pretty fit, i guarantee none of you guys would stand a chance against the little guy if you were the same age.
Oh Look,
It’s a
Bear1980 and ggboxer in the same thread.
If we can get Gai and U.S.Nightmare in here,
we could close the door and lob in a grenade.
That would take most of the Retards out of Bullshido in one shot.
Come on Now, Dont get upset because the forums are not entirely homosexual. Dont be a fascist stright guys are entitled to their opinions too.
Wow, what a clear, concise and literate come back.
You fail at insults.
How nice of you to look out for us straight guys. :homo:
I get more sparring in one class of BJJ than I did in my entire 6 months of Wing Chun. By the way, I’m 53.
Great, blue belt’s back. Who gave you that again?
Some Dude named Roger gave me it.
Great. We’ve got some folks at Roger Gracie’s academy. I’m sure we can verify that pretty quickly. We just need your name.
you missed one more guy: angryspastic.
Thanks for clearing that up.
I said most,
Rome wasn’t built in a day.
That guy in the video was not doing the real Wing Chun, he did not have sifu sendsei Wang-man’s training.
I’m 49 years old, and this is a real wing chun body. Be bigger. Be beefier. Be wing chun. Wing Chun Kung Fu Action Force will take on the Silverbacks next week.
Wasn’t wing chun designed from women and small men?