We are assembling a deadly team under sensei master Thompson. Our goal is to win the IFL on monday night. I hope Bas Ruten invites me to joine his anacondas. Here’s a sneak peek of how team training is going so far.
I will put it in trollshido. Don’t…EVEN…think…about…it.:f-off:
Thsoe red varrots you’ve been collecting? Have another one
And another.
And one more! from The bottom of my heart!
This is the first time I’ve ever had to do pushups for neg repping someone too much.
I’ll help you out.
Yea, what do those red thingies mean? Can I get some green ones too?
Sure, just insert your finger in your nose,
and scratch at what you use for a brain
The Wing Chun Kung Fu Action Force will train in secret, then when required to show the REAL WING CHUN ™, assembling in a giant fist and cleave thy centreline faster than you can say ‘lineage wars.’
Here is the prototype.
Dang it! Wan Kam Leung and I must shop at the same store. I am going to have to get a whole new wardrobe. I just don’t know if I can give up the suspenders though.
Seriously, weren’t you guys impressed by Sifu Wang Kam? I mean, do you seriously think you would have a chance against him in combat?
I got it!
gg stands for Groin Grabber.
You are either a Ninjer or Michael Jackson.
So which is it,
Are you a pedophile,
or a jackoff?
Do we get to transform into Power Ranger, Giant Robots, Dinosaurs or Trucks?
As far back I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be a Power Ranger.
Also, ggboxer, I gather you’ll be the one wearing the pink leotard, right? I totally call shotgun on the yellow french maid outfit!
So you would just disrespect a guy like Wang Kam Leung? What if whipped your ass or some other grappler, what would you say then?
Fixed. :new_blowi
I don’t disrespect the man, just his crappy fighting style.
I wanna be a Dinozord.
Just disrobe,
ggboxer will be along to engulf your Dinozord shortly.