Jettatore accepts Omega's Challenge after criticizing his punching technique

Yimchaloi: Definitely post your fight video would love to check it out.

also, Omega Supreme you’re a rock but those videos you just linked to are awful man, gotta say, it’s not necessarily the theory that’s fully bad but that instructor’s punching form is absolutely terrible, especially in the first video. Constructive critique, not bashing, but this is Bullshido and his form looks completely ridiculous there.

The person in that video is Omega. Pretty sure he knows how to punch.

[QUOTE=Kintanon;2766813]The person in that video is Omega. Pretty sure he knows how to punch.[/QUOTE]

I have never tried to make an instructional video or seriously tried to train anyone, I’m sure neither is as easy as just training or going at it. Not trying to hand out excuses and not saying the guy in that video can’t throw a punch otherwise, but I would however, re-record the tapes if it was something I was going to put out there.

I’ve tried to make tutorials for computer related stuff, it’s a lot harder than just actually doing it, I gave up every time to be honest.

this post got eaten somehow, not sure if it was a miscklick on my part or a forum bug. It got over-written by what should have been my next response not an edit… I probably fucked up. …

[QUOTE=Jettatore;2766815]I have never tried to make an instructional video or seriously tried to train anyone, I’m sure neither is as easy as just training or going at it. Not trying to hand out excuses and not saying the guy in that video can’t throw a punch otherwise, but I would however, re-record the tapes if it was something I was going to put out there.

I’ve tried to make tutorials for computer related stuff, it’s a lot harder than just actually doing it, I gave up every time to be honest.[/QUOTE]I do not mind constructive critcism but feel free to gofuck yourself. I have 9 knock outs in a 15 pro fight career. Why don’t you stand in front of my punches and see how you fair?

LOL, fair enough Omega. You appear pretty off balance to me on that tape, as well as open to knees on your left side with this technique /etc… Your feet here, in this tape at least, are nearly in a straight line, a very small push in the right direction and you would tip over in that stance.

That’s what I see, but you’ll have to excuse me, I have an appointment to go fuck myself in a few minutes.

Anyways, I’ve not seen your fight videos yet, looking for them now, I’m sure your good. If you got links, appreciated in case I fail to find them with a few searches. Now sir, please excuse me, I seem to have misplaced my glass dildo and matching set of anal beads…

edit: I cannot find any vids outside of some sparring tapes on your youtube channel, the search function here is out of commission for me and I looked through the 4 pages of the member video section and you didn’t start any threads there, need assistance good sir.

“Calling out Jettatore on his BS” thread in 3…2…1…

I’m waiting for the man himself to respond Azatdawn, but thanks.

[QUOTE=Jettatore;2766932]LOL, fair enough Omega. You appear pretty off balance to me on that tape, as well as open to knees on your left side with this technique /etc… [/QUOTE]
A fighter is always open on the side during a straight punch. Fortunately its a narrow window of opportunity.

[QUOTE=Jettatore;2766932]LOL, fair enough Omega. You appear pretty off balance to me on that tape, as well as open to knees on your left side with this technique /etc… Your feet here, in this tape at least, are nearly in a straight line, a very small push in the right direction and you would tip over in that stance.

That’s what I see, but you’ll have to excuse me, I have an appointment to go fuck myself in a few minutes.

Anyways, I’ve not seen your fight videos yet, looking for them now, I’m sure your good. If you got links, appreciated in case I fail to find them with a few searches. Now sir, please excuse me, I seem to have misplaced my glass dildo and matching set of anal beads…

edit: I cannot find any vids outside of some sparring tapes on your youtube channel, the search function here is out of commission for me and I looked through the 4 pages of the member video section and you didn’t start any threads there, need assistance good sir.[/QUOTE]
You get nothing from me fat ass. Show up to the Mega this year and I will just drop you on your sorry head. I am on vacation and typing on a fucking kindle or else I could have a field day with your bullshit.

Well don’t let me disrupt your vacation. This wasn’t personal or intentional, I didn’t even know it was anyone from Bullshido in that vid, I’ve never watched any of your guys/girls fights before yesterday after finding out this was you. I just read what you folks write mostly. My apologies if I’ve offended you, or you think my critique comes from such a low level as to be an insult to you.

That said, I’ll fight you anytime without hesitation, that’s up to you. I personally have no bad blood towards you, you haven’t offended me, but if you want to call me out, you’ve got the fight. You can come here to South East Asia or pay round trip for me to travel to you and back. If you don’t have the cash, I understand, I don’t either, and if you are just letting off steam because you found me annoying, I understand. But if you want to fight, we will fight.

[QUOTE=Jettatore;2767078]Well don’t let me disrupt your vacation. This wasn’t personal or intentional, I didn’t even know it was anyone from Bullshido in that vid, I’ve never watched any of your guys/girls fights before yesterday after finding out this was you. I just read what you folks write mostly. My apologies if I’ve offended you, or you think my critique comes from such a low level as to be an insult to you.

That said, I’ll fight you anytime without hesitation, that’s up to you. I personally have no bad blood towards you, you haven’t offended me, but if you want to call me out, you’ve got the fight. You can come here to South East Asia or pay round trip for me to travel to you and back. If you don’t have the cash, I understand, I don’t either, and if you are just letting off steam because you found me annoying, I understand. But if you want to fight, we will fight.[/QUOTE]

Dammit Jetta, this isn’t circa 2004 anymore. These days, fights between members take almost a year to come to fruitition, if they come at all.

[QUOTE=Jettatore;2767078]Well don’t let me disrupt your vacation. This wasn’t personal or intentional, I didn’t even know it was anyone from Bullshido in that vid, I’ve never watched any of your guys/girls fights before yesterday after finding out this was you. I just read what you folks write mostly. My apologies if I’ve offended you, or you think my critique comes from such a low level as to be an insult to you.

That said, I’ll fight you anytime without hesitation, that’s up to you. I personally have no bad blood towards you, you haven’t offended me, but if you want to call me out, you’ve got the fight. You can come here to South East Asia or pay round trip for me to travel to you and back. If you don’t have the cash, I understand, I don’t either, and if you are just letting off steam because you found me annoying, I understand. But if you want to fight, we will fight.[/QUOTE]First the throwdown is in September. Pay for yourself. Iam travelling you can too. The insult comes from your ignorance. Ther is a specific time and place for any technique and you critique me while taking the technique out of context. Then you critique the way it was made yet you admit how you have never done it. Then you state my punching was awful. Guess what? That punch is thrown and taught to many high end fighters in mma.

So you and erezb can go suck each others boxing dicks, your comments are fucking bullshit. If your critique was about boxing that would be one thing and then you had to bring up knees. Put your foot in your mouth much? You can tell the width of my feet on a two dimensional video? More bullshit. You mention tapes, try memory card. You talk like I used professional grade video cameras and editing software but you admit that you find the process complicated or too laborious. So you are talking out of ignorance. So until you go through the fucking process keep your fucking opinion to yourself.

I think you should remove your “Will travel to beat your ass” sticker. You traveling to some tournament on some other continent that I don’t reside at has nothing to do with you challenging me and responding like an infant to criticism.

I don’t claim to be anything special, but your ‘sparring’ and ‘training’ tapes speak for themselves. Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.

[QUOTE=Jettatore;2767225]I don’t claim to be anything special, but your ‘sparring’ and ‘training’ tapes speak for themselves. Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.[/QUOTE]

What exactly were your credentials for critiquing an instructor and former professional fighter again?

[QUOTE=Jettatore;2767225]I think you should remove your “Will travel to beat your ass” sticker. You traveling to some tournament on some other continent that I don’t reside at has nothing to do with you challenging me and responding like an infant to criticism.[/QUOTE] Do us all a favor and stop. That TAG has NOTHING to do with tournaments. It deals with Omega traveling to other states for TDs, sparring, instructing and willingness to travel, including OTHER CONTINENTS, to “beat your ass.”

I don’t claim to be anything special, but your ‘sparring’ and ‘training’ tapes speak for themselves.
Yes, they do speak for themselves. It’s funny because half those videos, IIRC, are done when someone asks a question here on bullshido. He takes anywhere from a minute to an hour to bang them out for us yet, you can’t figure out why he is treating you like shit.

Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.
Why is it many posters, that are put on the spot, trot out “but but but I never said I was blah blah blah blah fuck you” when called on their words?

[QUOTE=Jettatore;2767225]I think you should remove your “Will travel to beat your ass” sticker. You traveling to some tournament on some other continent that I don’t reside at has nothing to do with you challenging me and responding like an infant to criticism.

I don’t claim to be anything special, but your ‘sparring’ and ‘training’ tapes speak for themselves. Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit.[/QUOTE]Yeah that’s what I thought. 15 years and you have not done shit accept talk.

Removed from:

I’m tired all of you, and all of your bullshit. Shut the fuck up! If your serious, you will start and complete some sort of fund-raiser/kick-starter to make this shit happen.

You want to move the post so that the OP can have his thread back. Sure no problem. You want to label it noob. Fuck you! Set the fight up. Set the fight up, and if you want to talk about credentials, or linguistics or any, any, any other bullshit not related to rules, flight schedules, housing, etc… Just shut the fuck up.

If those videos (including his bullshit sparring tapes where he stumbles from a shitty stance) are anything other than a juking fake, Omega is a fucking bitch, and I or anyone else with a very small amount of actual legitimate training, will fucking kill him.

Knock off the bullshit. You are all a bunch of assholes. Set the fucking fight up. Fuck you.

[QUOTE=Jettatore;2767252]I’m tired all of you, and all of your bullshit. Shut the fuck up! If your serious, you will start and complete some sort of fund-raiser/kick-starter to make this shit happen.

You want to move the post so that the OP can have his thread back. Sure no problem. You want to label it noob. Fuck you! Set the fight up. Set the fight up, and if you want to talk about credentials, or linguistics or any, any, any other bullshit not related to rules, flight schedules, housing, etc… Just shut the fuck up.

If those videos (including his bullshit sparring tapes where he stumbles from a shitty stance) are anything other than a juking fake, Omega is a fucking bitch, and I or anyone else with a very small amount of actual legitimate training, will fucking kill him.

Knock off the bullshit. You are all a bunch of assholes. Set the fucking fight up. Fuck you.[/QUOTE]
I used the word “noob” in the thread title because I thought you were brand new to Bullshido and that’s what we call new members. It was an honest mistake. Sorry about that.

Your post is an entertaining rant though. Much appreciated.

I’m fairly confident that you won’t be entering our “Most level headed member” contest.