Ok, I’ve reworded this thread because the intended argument was going a little off course. I’ve been training in martial arts since I was 17 (I’m now 25), and I used to love watching Jet li movies in my younger years. My question is, do you actual think Jet li has any real skill when it comes to a real fight?
Prepare to be flamed. :angryfire
Gene Lebell by tapout against both of them.
Read between the lines guy, notice an air of sarcasm in my words? Just a bit o’ fun!
Jesus for the win!
FYI, sarcasm doesn’t work well via text. No, my sarcasm-sense isn’t tingling.
…well jet li can split raindrops with his sword and run up walls…so…I’ll go with jet. :icon_cool
Ok well let me spell it out for you…I AM TAKING THE PISS!!! Lighten up. The title ‘kung-fu ninja assassin throwdown’ must have registered on your sarcasm-o-meter somewhere?
People here don’t like joke topics.
Nice handle!
I should have picked TheWhiteLapuLapu instead of something lame like FMA_Brian.
People here don’t like joke topics.
So wtf is the site called ‘Bullshido’? Surely if you think any of these ‘supposed’ martial artists-come-actors are phoney, then this gives you the perfect platform to state your case, and to remove the bullshit from martial arts.
Agreed, FMA_Brian is a bit bland mate.
lame name
I cracked under log-in pressure and that’s what I came up with. lol
I pick Jet Li to win because Bruce Lee’s speed and reflexes have greately deteriorated ever since he died.
Same here, lol!
Trollshido PLEASE
I couldnt have said it better myself … and trollshido would be a good home .
My real question was intended to be, do you think Jet li has any real fighting ability?
You’ve studied martial arts for 8 years. What do you think?
My name is now WhiteShaft.
Shut yo’ mouth!