
Let’s just say that as the general perception of Christians everywhere is correct and the historical figure of Jesus was in fact the son of some sort of ToothFairy style monster. That being the case, given that Jesus, aka Pappy, was the son of a preacher (table maker) man from a Middle Eastern country, why is he a white dude in churches and shitty Christmas straight to TV mini series around the world?

Just who are you?




I’m calling and saying that Jesus was some sort of ethnic dude or possibly the Loch Ness Monster.

So you made a thread to tell everyone that Jesus was Jewish?
My thread about the leprechaun in Mobile, Alabama contributed more to this forum.

No it didn’t.

We don’t have Jews in Australia, are they black?

Yes it did. (Repeat unto infinity)

Yes, Jewish was Jewish. He probably had Semitic features and was certainly dark complected (No suntan lotion in ancient world.)
Thread over?

What if he was African and they mistook him for a Middle Eastern savior of bunnies?

Why do you hate the Middle East Vince Tortelli, there is much healing to be done.

First thread from the Skeptic forum moved to Trollshido.

If by “healing” you mean “reduce to sheet of glass with nuclear bombs” then yes, I agree with you.

Cool, do we get a prize?:godtroll:

Body of christ


That doesn’t follow your first stipulation. You seemed to be running with the idea that He was the son of the Christian God, not a Jewish carpenter. If so, then he could potentially have any set of features. However, I don’t think there’s any strong indication from Biblical authors or contemporary historians.

  • He obviously wasn't an Ashkenazi Jew.
  • I believe Adolf Hitler claimed that Jesus was of Celtic descent since the Romans had legionaries from Gaul garrisoned in Galilee... :hitlerdan
  • If you're still going with the Biblical account though, then Mary had a solid Jewish bloodline. It's not unreasonable to assume that her son looked like her.
[quote="snowman"] why is he a white dude in churches and shitty Christmas straight to TV mini series around the world? [/quote]

Because Da Vinci and Michelangelo depicted Him that way?

Most likely.

If His crew was fibbing then it sure bit 'em in the ass, eh? I bet they had a hard time keeping a straight face when they saw those lions…

Temp banned for this post.

Fucking retard.

1st skeptic thread trollshidoed, now the first poster banned due to the skeptic thread. Fascinating.

Exciting, isn’t it. Oh, for the daily goings-on of the magical wonderland of trollshido.

Shit, you’re over 1000 posts? Damn it… I’m off to postwhore somewhere…

Spring-Heeled Jack did this riff before and naturally he did it better.

Aardvarks & Spring Heeled Jack R Ghey 4 1 another!

WHY THE HELL DOES VISHNU LOOK INDIAN? I think the indians are racist.

go back in your box and eat your poison like a good boy