:waraya We here at cornerstone martial arts now have 1625 square feet of mat space to work with. We offer classes in Muay Thai, BJJ and MMA training. come check us out we are there monday wed fri and sat… during the week classes start at 7pm and on sat they start at 10:30 am and go until 1 or so. we are located at 10 n 26th street in kenilworth NJ. MAPQUEST IT!!! Hope to see you there!!!
send and email to cornerstonemartialarts@hotmail.com for more info
What about this school is Bullshido, other than the unsolicited advertisment on an internet forum?
i am not trolling i am just letting people know about our gym!!!
He didn’t say you were trolling, you were spamming. It’s generally looked down upon if you start a thread just to advertise.
I guess I will have to stick to the better forums like mma.tv, subfighter, sherdog , mmaweekly etc. there is not one thing wrong with me posting about our camp… is this not why alot of people visit a forum ? to get info on stuff like this ?? whatever … now i remember why i stopped coming here!
You went about this the wrong way. Send me an email and I can hook you up with getting listed in our Links section.