Jenfuciosu the Biggest A**hol* here!

Freddy should get out more. Jenfucius rocks.

And he owns me a beer.

Depending on my mood, I can either take Jenfucius completely in jest or will just make fun of him for being a med student – and a pussy.

And a midget. But it’s all love. Or is it, BUTT it’s all love. BWAH HAH HAH.

Jenfucius makes me raugh. :slight_smile:

jenfucius is funny, you shouldnt take internet bashing too seriously dude

uh, i believe i cast a write in ballot for myself for biggest asshole. though i think that honor belongs to the BJJ stars here, who clearly HAVE the biggest stretched out bungholes on earth!

freddy, i think you will have to held legally responsible for libel. also you will have to be medically responsible for removing my foot when i shove it knee deep up your ass!

and dude, you’re the one who violated bullshido protocol TWICE by:

  1. posting a thread with a cuss word in the title on the front page and

  2. starting a personal attack outside of the trollshido forum.

if there’s anyone that the mods should shut down, it’s YOU, ass pirate!


Piss ant :slight_smile:

Jenfucius is just a little weak child who’s never lifted heavy…couldn’t care less about him.


Hmm . . . . although, if the title of this thread is true, then that makes Jenfucius the biggest asshole and the biggest pussy of Bullshido.

Quite an accomplishment!


why don’t you put your high heels on and get back to the aikido dojo, girlie man!

bullshido is NOT for girlie men, puny men, men who eat quiche, or men who go crying home to their wives!

Originally posted by Jenfucius
bullshido is NOT for (a)girlie men, (b)puny men, (c)men who eat quiche, or men who go crying home to their wives!

a- ask for dating advice online

b- you’re tiny

c- beef lo mein is a fair equivalent


Originally posted by Boyd
I can think of at least one pussy he got to.

You mean your mother.

Originally posted by Jenfucius
[B]uh, i believe i cast a write in ballot for myself for biggest asshole. though i think that honor belongs to the BJJ stars here, who clearly HAVE the biggest stretched out bungholes on earth!

freddy, i think you will have to held legally responsible for libel. also you will have to be medically responsible for removing my foot when i shove it knee deep up your ass!

and dude, you’re the one who violated bullshido protocol TWICE by:

  1. posting a thread with a cuss word in the title on the front page and

  2. starting a personal attack outside of the trollshido forum.

if there’s anyone that the mods should shut down, it’s YOU, ass pirate! [/B]

Your a loser that cant get a girl. A real loser. No wonder why you cant get a girl. Have you ever thought of the alternative. You talk about assholes enough. Maybe its subconcious.

Originally posted by Jenfucius

Yeah you got onwed alright. Your my bitch!

Originally posted by Jenfucius
why don’t you put your high heels on and get back to the aikido dojo, girlie man!

Is this another subconcious suggestion for your desire to wear high heels.

You got OWNED!

Dochter said it right.

Obviously Jen. theres a reason why you make so many homosexaul refferences on Bullshido. Freud would say you have homosexual tendencies.

For the record: Jen is uber-cool and those who don’t like him are whinny bitchy girlie men who need to quit their whining and pump some iron.

Obviously Jen. theres a reason why you make so many homosexaul refferences on Bullshido. Fraud says you have homosexual tendencies.

“Fraud” is right Freddy, that is the only sorrt of person who would hate on the one and only Jenfucius.