Jenfuciosu the Biggest A**hol* here!

Originally posted by Jenfucius
you call that pain? i wish you had children so i could kick them in the nuts so you could feel the pain i feel, the pain i feel every day! i just want to bite their little faces! my style is spectacular my defense is impregnable, i eat your children, praise be to allah!

I think alot of us would agree that Jenfucious is the biggest asshole here.

Now hes’ threatening my kids.

I know I’m not alone here when people think you are biggest asshole on Bullshido.

Didnt Mike Tyson say something like that too?

He might have. But there are laws and he is legally liable for what he says.

from the original thread:

Originally posted by Jenfucius

it’s obviously a joke, pussy. maybe you should try getting your head out of your ass and turning on ESPN once in a while@! [/B]

freddy, you are a fucking stupid asshole.

i wasn’t even talking to you freddy. stop being such a pussy!

Thread title edited for front page content and moved to trollshido where it obviously belongs. JKD Chick has asked and stated time and time again to keep your titles viewable for the front page. It’s not that hard guys.

The real truth Jenfucious is that you hardly contribute at all to the forums. All you do is mouth off to people.
The only person who is stupid is you here. What educationing posts have you posted. 90% of it took no brain power. All you do is talk shit to one person to the other. I know its not me either.

You only wish you could get pussy.

DRD with all respect. I think this should be adress. All Jenfucious do is mouth off at people. and people come to Bullshido reading his crap. It makes me wonder why he even bothers comming to Bullshido.
Bullshido would look alot cleaner without all that garbage…

Freddy, with returned respect, go for it and folks will fall where they do. I am not trying to impede you at all, only keep things where they can flow. Carry on sir.

DRD thanks. I just going to leave it at that. His future posts on Bullshido will be an indicator of his behaviour. (Just wait and watch see what he will say to someone else.)

Wow you are blowing this way out of proportion. Most of us think Jenfucius is kinda funny. Also he’s obviously not dumb so you should pretty much drop that line of reasoning.

Just try developing a sense of humor and realize Jen is usually kidding.

Jenfucius rules.

Originally posted by Freddy
[B]The real truth Jenfucious is that you hardly contribute at all to the forums. All you do is mouth off to people.
The only person who is stupid is you here. What educationing posts have you posted. 90% of it took no brain power. All you do is talk shit to one person to the other. I know its not me either.

You only wish you could get pussy. [/B]

I can think of at least one pussy he got to.

Freddy, first of all I know where you’re coming from. If anybody touched or threatened my child I’d rip off there legs and sodomize them with it. That being said may I point out it was said in jest. I don’t have anything against Jenfucious. If you don’t like him because he was immature and realize that you don’t go there, that’s up to you. Have a roast fest for all I care, just don’t take that so personal. None of this shit should ever get that personal.

Peace man.

Did Jenfucius make any of the Ahole Polls?

damn…more stuff taken way too seriously

Jenfucius sucks it’s true. Bill could prove it.

Originally posted by Jenfucius
the crucifix worked pretty well on Jesus! or DID it?

This is hilarious.

Abrasive, yes, an arsehole, nope - that distinction lies in other’s hands.