Jay Zarella

Give me a call at 617-595-8097.

Im around this weekend, give me a call.

Not that it is my business, but why not just PM?

Placing personal information on the internet . . . scary. . . .

Ninjas can find you!!


Dale’s just a very lonely man. That, or he’s trying to sell you a seminar and this is reverse telemarketing.

Had I looked more carefully, I would have noticed he has his address as a title.


Yeah, that would be an idea, and when you do you find that his PM tray is full.

and please stop with the whining on and on about posting contact info on the net. You are all welcome!


P.S. yeah yeah shuma, you have an open invitation to Boston anytime, anywhere. There is a nice secluded park here in Quincy where you could show me those crappy crappling skills you like to wear with pride. Nothing but a lame ass Great White fooltool.

You seem to not function well, you need to layoff the drugs, doc.

Yeah, don’t trust the needle.

It lies.

I will have you know I have taken perfect leave of my senses.


Why does that name ring a bell?

Isn’t Jay that Borderline Army Medic who waxes poetically about saving his brethren in combat while getting drunk and stealing an ambulance to patronize whores?

Pretty much.


Im hoping you are reading or someone else with his contact info, and give me a call.



Jay: Dale - got your message. What up?

Dale: Jay… I’m… well, I’m pregnant.

Jay: gasp

Dale: There’s more… You’re not the father.

Yeah, and this is a nice description.

LOL, not bad PJ, but its more like I want to know why he is in the mood to be bruised and battered for no good reason??

He’s drunk.

Trust me Dale, if he does want to meet have a nuetral party and a video ready.

Also, get a picture of what he looks like presently…

No sign from him this weekend.

Sorry to hear he cannot step up very well.

You know he might be in the drunk tank. If he was especially stupid he might have spent the weekend sleeping it off. He might see a judge this morning, IMO.



You and I have never butted heads and I don’t know how well you know Jay, but this is like the third or fourth time he’s managed to not “step up”. He’s either a loudmouth, lying, drunk or just a loudmouth drunk. I tend to lean towards the former description in my personal opinion.


Have never met the guy personally, so I have nothing to go on but his posts and threats against other posters. It does not paint a very good picture…

Oh well.