[I]Long jumper Sdiri hit by javelin in Rome
Fri Jul 13, 2007 4:58 PM EDT162
ROME (Reuters) - French long jumper Salim Sdiri was taken to hospital after being hit by a javelin during the Golden League meeting in Rome on Friday.
The incident occurred midway through the evening when Finnish thrower Tero Pitkamaki slipped at the end of his run-up, hurling the javelin out to the left of the landing area and spearing Sdiri in his right side as he crouched in the long jump warm-up section.
A medical crew and ambulance were quickly at the scene, but meeting organizers could not say how serious the injury was.
“He was hit on the right. He is conscious, but we don’t yet know how deep it went or how serious the wound is,” the medical officer for the Italian Ahletic Federation, Giuseppe Fischetto told Reuters.
“We will only know after we’ve carried out further tests in hospital.”
A shocked-looking Pitkamaki held his head in his hands after the incident but took his next throw in the javelin competition.[/I]
In the ‘naked warrior’ book on bodyweight stuff for strength he talks about ‘muscle irradiation’ (which is apparently the way the nervous system makes nearby supporting muscles tense up to support the main muscle under stress), how you can use this to help with difficult bodyweight exercises, and how power lifters use breathing technique to make this work for them by putting more momentary stiffness into their core muscles at the key moment on a big lift.
He supports these claims by quoting soviet-era sports scientists on this topic, in addition to some TMA people who are big into their dynamic tension and yoga-like breathing exercises (he quotes an old Okinawan guy with regard to the Sanchin kata which is a dynamic tension/breathing workout essentially). Ronin is big into this stuff.
Worth a read. Check his sources and try the little experiments he suggests for yourself. I tried some and they worked for me. Obviously, it could all be psychological, but tbh, that’s sorta what he says: ‘here is a way of tricking muscle group X into working harder’.
If ‘chi bullshit’ is a shorthand for ‘neuromuscular tricks to get an extra x% of power out of some movement’, then yeah, that’s what he does.
If ‘chi bullshit’ is a shorthand for obiwan -like mystic energy field pervading your body, then no, he doesn’t go there.
I got to give it to Tero… It’s not very easy to hit a person with a javelin from 80 meters, that takes some serious skill.
BTW. The guy who got hit got out of the Italian hospital the same day with doctors telling he had only minor bruises. A day later he goes in again because he’s in pain and they tell him the javelin one of his kidneys and sunk 2-3cm into his liver. Italian doctors FTW!