He is just better off avoiding the _ing _hun altogether, I’d say.
Well that is your opinion but i would disagree i cant comment on Muay Thai,but do like the art and want to crosstrain in it at some point. Wing chun has alot to offer and is great for the street but I will admit not in the ring it really depends on what you want out of your art but im very happy with my WC and are grandmaster inspires me everytime i see him.
His name is Klaus Brand there is only 1 video of him i can find and its about 10 years old now before he made some changes to techniques thought id post it.
http://uk.YouTube - Sifu Klaus Brand
you totally drank the kool-aid, didn’t you?
Go to newbietown right now. You are not going to derail this thread with any of the cliched crap we encounter here about wing chun.
If you like it, fine start your own thread.
Just to make sure you understand:
Wing chun has alot to offer and is great for the street but I will admit not in the ring
Already covered on multiple threads. You are wrong. Street vs Ring difference, concerning training, is a lie.
posted video
Already covered in multiple threads. You are wrong. Compliant drills and demonstration prove nothing about an art.
That video is fucking awful - very typical of the average _hunner.
Run, while you can, b00n.
Klaus Brand = pure bullshido.
WT techniques applied in real combat situations: S34RCH FUNCTION, NOOB!
It was nice of his partner to hold a few seconds every now again when Klaus couldn’t remember what the choreographed response was. That totally happens on the street.
ummmmmmmm? NO lol
I’m proficient in Sil Nihm Tao, which is about 80% of the art in terms of technique anyway. I’ve got Muay Thai experience from Shootfighting that has far superior kicking in my opinion, so I’m not worried about not learning the WC kicking system fully. I also have experience in many other forms of CMA such as Gung Li Long Fist, Shaolin Wushu, Baquazhang, and a few others, and have been far more impressed by them than WC, so I think I’ve dabbled in it enough for my taste now. The single punch over and over strategy was getting a bit old anyway. But hey, if you enjoy WC, stick with it. There are far better workouts out there, I can definitely tell you that, but at least you’ve got your foot in the door in the world of MA.
Its quite sad that im trying to say hi to everyone and all u guys can say is this and that lol. So who commented that understands Wing Chun and says my grandmaster is bad? he ment to give a few seconds so you can see what he is doing lol I have trained with him and you cant even see it coming (not a lie)thats why it is a video to show people in slo mo lmfao. Im not small enough to talk bad of your arts because i have respect for your arts and your choices so have more
respect for others and there arts because you will only ever learn at at a low level if you taalk/think on those linds.
Jamie Brown UK
Lol im not looking for a workout Im looking to take you OUT end of story im not interested in getting points in a ring or winning a round im interested in F**kI*G killing you if you come at me on the street BJJ judo and all that is useless because freinds go out with other freinds FACT and if your on the ground ur done for FACT.I learn wing chun because I know on the street it will kill much like Krav Maga and i will use it if i have to I
Can we just skip all the bs and just ban this dipshit^^^^^^
Please not another fight247!
How come in kung-fu movies the bullshido moves are fast-paced, but people who base their whole concept of fighting on those movies do everything in super slo-mo?
rofl real nice what is this website actually for? I have said i respect for all arts the only thing i said is that bjj/judo is not good on the street which is true not that there not great arts i dont get why all of you are so angry sort it out,All i did was try to give the guy some advice and u above me im not the one with hair to my arse and leaning on a $10 car im the dipshit? and why u posting on here when by the look of it you should be spending ur time washing?u a nob mate shut ur mouth.
Poon I cant answer that never met anyone that has based their whole concept of fighting on those movies?
Please learn to use the quote function…Dipshit!
Have your ever been thrown by a good judoka? It hurts, a lot. Now at the element of concrete + judoka spiking you and I say that would be quite effective in a street fight.
Granted, on Th3 St33t going and jumping guard is a pretty stupid which is why most people here advocate cross training in other arts to make yourself the most well rounded martial artist possible. Wing Chun, unfortunately, has not held up very well in the eyes of most people here so you can expect to be flamed a lot (the name of this forum is “your martial art’s sucks” after all).
Jamy Brown, I suggest you stick to Newbietown and the Chinese Martial Arts forums and lurk a bit to get the feel for Bullshido’s antics. They don’t flame in Newbietown and I’m sure you could find a lot of useful discussions in the CMA forums.
See that bolded part? Just saying something does not make it true unless you back it up. What you’re stating is an opinion, probably fed to you by the guy cashing your check for your pigeon toed, fast hands, bullshit martial art that will get you fucking hurt one day.
Secondly, learn to fucking spell, punctuate, and write. That fucking paragraph is a goddamn abortion and is not supporting your point at all.
Third, enjoy your Christmas vacation because it’s obvious you’re not out of elementary school.
I assure you, I am telling you this with utmost respect for the art of Wing Chun: It is not deadly on the street. It isn’t even deadly against the Long Fist styles it was supposedly built to fight against. It is an overly simple form meant to complement other styles, not meant to be used as a style on its own. Always attacking down the centerline is an inefficient and easily parried method of attack, even for people with absolutely no past training. It is a theory that should be used when making precise straight attacks, but methods for striking that come from other angles MUST also be implemented to make an art fully functional. Wing Chun covers a very small aspect of striking, let alone martial arts as a whole. If you even want to TRY to make it effective for fighting in a self defense situation, you need to get rid of the attitude that Wing Chun is a perfect street effective martial art and start cross training it with some form of grappling and more striking. Even Krav Maga, which you speak highly of as a street effective style, is made up of a combination of direct striking, indirect striking, and grappling. If you take it up, a Krav Maga instructor will encourage you to learn boxing, muay thai, or BJJ to complement it within the first week. As a practitioner of WC myself, as well as other forms of Gung Fu, trust me when I tell you this: If you rely purely on WC to protect your life, you will be severely injured or killed 95% of the time. I’ve shown WC people the beauty of a hook punch in both Chi Sau and sparring. Trust me, you don’t want to be shown the beaty of that hook in a street fight.