I've gone tactical

With all the potential flaming, I decided to go tactical with my avatar…

So you want a war…

You will get your war!


I want peace… but you need to be ready.

Are you going to liberate our oil, Justme :wink: … Hahah… Now I made you angry again, sorry…

No not at all. I have my helmet on as I type this. YOu cannot touch me.

Justme, you do things even PizDoff wouldn’t do…

mua… for instance.

When did Justme get so fucking funny?
He used to be just a grissled old war veteran, now he’s fucking hilarious!

if by flaming, you mean flaming homosexuals, you are right on track.

Re: I’ve gone tactical

Originally posted by Justme
With all the potential flaming, I decided to go tactical with my avatar…


Why not go for Kevlar?

its too much of a close up justme, i cant see the rpg on your shoulder…

OMG Justme is going commando!